Legacy Program

Legacy Logo

Welcome to the Winthrop family! As a family member of a Winthrop graduate, you are continuing the Winthrop legacy. The Alumni Association recognizes Winthrop alumni and their family members who attend Winthrop. A legacy student is a child, grandchild, or sibling of a Winthrop alumnus who is seeking an undergraduate degree at Winthrop. 

Signature Events

Throughout your time at Winthrop, the Winthrop Alumni Association will offer exclusive events for legacy students Legacy Familyand their families. A few signature events include:

  • Welcome from the Alumni Association at Orientation with the legacy photo booth
  • Legacy family activity during Family Day
  • Legacy Commencement Celebration for graduating seniors and their families

Make sure to check the upcoming events page throughout the year to register for events. Don't forget to look at Legacy photo album on the Alumni Association Facebook page after events.

Thank you for continuing the Winthrop legacy in your family!

Legacy family Legacy family Legacy family

Digital Legacy Swag

Legacy wallpaper


How cool would it be to show your friends and family that you are a legacy student at Winthrop? When you download legacy digital swag you can send them a WUmoji, change your wallpaper and more! Click here to see the legacy digital swag options. 


Legacy Information Form

Help us keep track of your legacy lineage at Winthrop. Please fill out the form if you are a currently enrolled student. Do you have a potential legacy student in your family? If so, complete the Refer an Eagle form! 

For more information about the Legacy Program, please e-mail Brittany Neely '14, alumni engagement coordinator, or call 803/323-3050.