Summer Opportunities


Summer Courses

Winthrop offers a wide variety of Summer Classes, including courses in BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, MATH, and PHYS. Many summer courses are now available online, enabling you to learn remotely from home. Check out the course offerings tool to search for other available summer courses.


Summer Research at Winthrop

Summer research is an engaging and rewarding activity! Many students majoring in the sciences participate in faculty-mentored summer research. Winthrop's Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program includes faculty from chemistry, physics, geology, mathematics, and other fields. If you're interested, have a look at the online list of research faculty or just reach out to your professors and ask about their research!


Other Summer Research Opportunities

Many colleges and universities across the country offer summer undergraduate research programs to students from other institutions. You can get started in applying to these programs by browsing the list of off-campus research opportunities or talking to your research mentor.


Summer Internships

The department also maintains relationships with several local and regional businesses and government agencies. Contact Willie Aiken for more information.