Political Science

Helpful Information & Websites

Internship Program | Summer Seminars & Internships | Graduating Seniors, Graduate Students, & Recent College Graduates | Continuing PLSC Students | SC Congressional Delegation | US Government Agencies | International Organizations | Washington, DC-based Groups | Internships in Washington, DC | SC Government/Politics Internships | SC Political Parties | Other Learning Opportunities | Other Internship Sites

The Department is routinely contacted regarding interesting internship opportunities with local and city government offices and campaigns as positions are available. We communicate this information to interested students through the PLSC Student listserv. For more information about the listserv, please visit the Departmental Services page.

  • The CRS Report for Congress on Internships & Fellowships: Congressional, Federal and Other Work Experience Opportunities. This document was prepared for Congress and offers a wealth of information about how to obtain an internship in Washington, D.C.
  • PLEN, Public Leadership Education Network, is accepting applications for semester-long internship programs in Washington, DC. PLEN is "the only national organization whose sole mission is preparing women for leadership in the public arena." (from PLEN brochure). PLEN is also hosting two one-week seminars in Washington, DC in March, entitled "Watch Congress at Work," and a one wee seminar in May entitled "Women and International Policy Seminar." For more information about these programs, consult the PLEN website.
  • The Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington, DC "watchdog" organization that tracks campaign finance information, is accepting applications for interns.
  • The Charlotte Mayor's International Cabinet is looking for part-time interns (about 2 afternoons/week) to work on projects for the Mayor's International Cabinet. Projects include planning the annual awards banquet, sponsorship drive and newsletter. Other projects may also arise. Interns must be self-starters and happy to work independently. The Mayor's International Cabinet works closely with the mayor's office and other officials in the City of Charlotte. Internships are unpaid. Interns also must attend the monthly cabinet meetings (early morning, 1st Thursday of the month). The internship supervisor will be happy to contact professors to explain a course absence. If you are interested, please contact Debbie Antschel at 704/366-2174 or via e-mail at mic@ci.charlotte.nc.us.  

Advanced Undergraduates

Internship Program

Sponsor: Central Intelligence Agency

  • Synopsis: The sponsor offers a co-op program for undergraduate students undergraduates studying a wide variety of fields, including engineering, computer science, mathematics, economics, physical sciences, foreign languages, area studies, business administration, accounting, international relations, finance, logistics, human resources, geography, national security studies, military and foreign affairs, political science and graphic design. Applicants will be given the opportunity to participate in the vital work of the Agency, to gain unmatched experience and to become acquainted with professionals in the intelligence field. At the same time, the Agency will be able to assess the recipient's potential for future permanent employment. Applicants will work on an alternating semester or quarterly basis and are expected to spend a minimum of three semesters or four quarters (this can include a summer tour) on the job prior to graduation.
  • Program URL: https://www.cia.gov/careers/student-opportunities/index.html  
  • Deadline(s): Vary

Sponsor:  AFL-CIO Strategic Research Internships

  • Synopsis: Full and part time positions (14-40 hours/week) paid and unpaid based in the Washington, DC area. The researcher compiles information on companies, industries and issues. The researcher also assists the campaign in other capacities such as worker and community outreach and helping plan worksite actions.
  • Contact: Robert Masciola @ 202/637-3948 or rmasciol@aflcio.org  

Summer Seminars and Internships

Sponsor:  The Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University

Sponsor:  Project Vote Smart

  • Deadline(s):  Vary

Graduating Seniors, Graduate Students and Recent College Graduates

Sponsor:  AFL-CIO Organizing Institute

  • Synopsis: In search of graduating seniors interested in careers in the Labor Movement as organizers. The program is an intense weekend classroom training followed by a paid 12-week Apprenticeship Program. Applicants are eligible and can apply to any of the weekend trainings. Upon completion of the Apprenticeship Program, 90% of the participants are hired into positions as union organizers with AFL-CIO affiliate unions. Starting salaries, depending on the union, range between $35000-$40000 annually, plus excellent benefits.
  • Contact: Patrick Scott @ 404/766-5050 or pscott@aflcio.org  
  • Program URL: http://www.aflcio.org/aboutus/oi/main.cfm  

Continuing Political Science Students

The New Organizing Institute is looking for recent college graduates to work as summer interns. Duties include coordinating the summer boot camp, and working on other NOI activities. The summer internship PAYS $1,000/semester. Academic credit may be arranged through Winthrop University. See Dr. Boylan for details.

For opportunities to earn PLSC credit through participating in these internships or seminars, please see Dr. Jennifer Disney.

South Carolina Congressional Delegation

Many students like to work for the South Carolina Congressional Delegation. All members offer internships in their district/state offices and their Washington, DC offices. More information can be found on the members' web sites.

Some students are interested in going to Washington, DC, but don't know how to go about getting an internship, or the hundreds of opportunities available. Follow the hyperlinks below to get some inspiration.

U.S. Government Agencies

There are of course, literally hundreds of government agencies. Each of the following has numerous agencies housed within it. Each agency is likely to offer its own internships, many of which may be located outside of Washington, DC.

International Organizations

Washington, DC-based Interest Groups, Think Tanks and Political Parties

Programs designed to facilitate internships in Washington, DC and offer seminars for academic credit that can transfer back to Winthrop University:

South Carolina Internships in Government/Politics

South Carolina Political Party Web Sites

(Contact Information only)

Other Internship/Experiential Learning Opportunities

Other Internship Sites