Political Science

Study Abroad Options

In today's global economy and inter-dependent world, study abroad is especially germane. We strongly encourage students to study abroad for one or two semesters to learn about politics from another perspective. Students enrolling in the BA in Political Science or the Concentration in Public Policy and Public Administration programs (2010-11 catalog and earlier) are well-suited to study abroad in their junior year, although study abroad is also possible during the senior year.

We recommend that students earning secondary education certification consider study abroad during the second semester of their sophomore year.  

Several study abroad programs offer programs well-suited to study of Political Science. The following programs have numerous course offerings in Political Science and complimentary fields. The department chair can also advise students who are interested in other study abroad programs.

Adger University College; Kristiansand, Norway

European politics, comparative politics, political communication, education, music and religion and philosophy.

Buenos Aires, Argentina-A joint venture offered by Winthrop University, the University of Minnesota and the Fundacion Oretga/Gasset

Latin American politics, Argentine politics, Spanish language, political economy

Edge Hill in Osmirk, England

Law and international law, criminology, media studies

Kansai Gaidai University; Hirakata, Osaka, Japan

Asian politics, international relations, Japanese language, arts and business

CIEE-Senegal Program at Suffolk University in Dakar, Senegal

African politics, international relations, French language, sustainable development.

International Internships

Another option is to participate in various programs that involve international internships. Winthrop University Political Science students have completed internships with the German Bundestag, the Welsh National Assembly, the Organization for American States and the US State Department. Some international internships have a language requirement, but many do not. For more specific information regarding international internships, please contact Dr. John Holder, the internship coordinator. 

Read more about International Study Abroad suggested plans of study.

Read more about Winthrop University's Study Abroad programs.