Student Academic Services



The College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences has certification options at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The certification programs are distinctive due to the extensive work with the teachers and administrators in the Winthrop University-School Partnership Network. These dedicated professionals host our students from the first year on campus through the year-long Internship experiences and provide meaningful opportunities to engage in schools and the profession from the start.


Certification Areas Available

    Certification programs are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    See more info on the undergraduate option here.

    See more info on the Master of Arts in Teaching here.

    Certification programs are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    See more info on the undergraduate option here.

    See more info on the Master of Arts in Teaching here.

    Beginning in fall 2020, students will choose a primary subject of focus (English Language Arts, mathematics, science, or social studies) and can add additional subject areas as desired.

    Certification programs are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    See more info on the undergraduate option here.

    See more info on the Master of Arts in Teaching here.

    Certification programs are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels. These programs offer multi-categorical certification. As such candidates are prepared to serve students with learning disabilities, emotional and behavior disorders, intellectual disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders. All students complete coursework preparing them to serve students with severe disabilities (see add-on information).

    See more info on the undergraduate option here.

    See more info on the Master of Arts in Teaching here.

    Undergraduate pathways for all programs except Chemistry are available through a collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences. Students major in the content area and complete the teacher education certification coursework. Further multiple options for certification exist at the graduate level through the M.A.T.-Accelerated and M.A.T.-Traditional pathways.

    See information by subject at the following links:





    Social Studies

    Undergraduate pathways for all programs are available through a collaboration with the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Students major in the content area and complete the teacher education certification coursework. Further multiple options for certification exist at the graduate level through the M.A.T.-Accelerated and M.A.T.-Traditional pathways.

    See information by subject at the following links:




    Visual Art

    Undergraduate pathways are available for both French and Spanish through a collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences. Students major in the content area and complete the teacher education certification coursework. Further multiple options for certification exist at the graduate level through the M.A.T.-Accelerated and M.A.T.-Traditional pathways.

    See more info here.

    Certification as a School Psychologist is available through a combined Master of Science (M.S.) and Specialist School Psychology (S.S.P.) program. This program is housed in the College of Arts and Sciences

    See more info here.

    Two programs are available for individuals interested in school leadership. A Master of Education program is designed to provide coursework and experiences that prepare individuals for roles as school-based leaders. A Specialist in Educational Leadership (Ed.S.) program targets individuals interested in district level leadership positions. The Ed.S. program is also a gateway to doctrate study in educational leadership.

    See more info here.

    The Master of Education program is designed to prepare graduates for a position as a school counselor in a variety of school settings. Note, options also exist for mental health counseling.

    For students in the certificate only program, recommendations cannot be made without formally completing the program. This includes transfering any needed coursework and applying for the certificate.

    See more info here.

    Certification programs are available at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    See more info here.


 Certification and Endorsement Options

    All undergraduate teacher education majors and M.A.T. students will receive Initial Certification in the area of their major (e.g., Elementary Education, Secondary Social Studies) at the time of program completion. Student Academic Services will facilitate the submission of required paperwork.

    Students will receive specific information on processes during the final semester of their program. Common forms needed include:

    College Recommendation Form 1 - Classroom Teaching
    College Recommendation Form 1 - Service and Leadership
    Transcript Request - See instructions on how to get a transcript.

    It is important to note that it is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that all paperwork is submitted as requested. It typically takes 3 to 4 weeks after graduation to have final transcripts and necessary forms for submission to the SC Department of Education. Candidates can monitor review at the state.

      Internship II Background Check Info (pdf - 419 kb)

      South Carolina law requires that all individuals enrolled in a teacher education program in South Carolina must undergo a fingerprinting and more extensive background checks prior to student teaching. The first step is to apply for Student Teaching Clearance through the South Carolina Department of Education.

      Should you have questions about fingerprinting, application, or background check processes, please contact Joanna Harris at 803/323-4738 or

      Students in both the certificate and degree program must complete the same review process as intial teacher certification students. This is done in the summer before the final year of coursework.

      The first step is to apply for Student Teaching Clearance through the South Carolina Department of Education.

      Should you have questions about fingerprinting, application, or background check processes, please contact Joanna Harris at 803/323-4738 or

      Most programs require certification assessments. More information on requirements for teacher certification are available here.

    Once awarded certification at the initial level, teachers can apply for additional certification areas to extend their grade levels or subject areas. For example, a students completing the B.S. in Elementary Education will take all coursework necessary to be ready to apply for both Elementary and Early Childhood certifications. Once the individual successfully passes the exam for Early Childhood certification, an application can be made to add-on Early Childhood thus extending certification to grades P-6. Many add-on options exist. More information on popular combinations is provided below.

    Student Academic Services will support this process at the time of graduation and can provide guidance after graduation. Once an individual earns a professional liscense there are additional options to add-on certifications. More information is provided by the South Carolina Department of Education.


    Once you have completed the specific courses and tests required for the add-on licensure, you will be able to add areas to your South Carolina license by submitting the following to the South Carolina Department of Education, Office of Educator Services:

    1. Request for Change/Action Form (pdf - 268 kb). Check box #2 and write in the licensure area you wish to add.
    2. Minimum qualifying score(s) on the content-area examination(s) (Praxis Subject Area Assessment) required by the South Carolina State Board of Education. See section above on Testing Requirements.

    For additional information, please refer to the South Carolina State Department of Education website for their requirements for add-on licensure.

      Students in the B.S. in Elementary Education and the B.S. in Early Childhood Education automatically take all coursework required for P-6 certification upon passing the Praxis Subject Area Assessment in both areas. Students are encouraged to pursue this option as many states do not divide the grade level certifications as they are configured in South Carolina.

      Early Childhood Add-On (pdf - 108 kb)

      Elementary Add-On (pdf - 112 kb)

      Students in the B.S. in Special Education automatically take the coursework required to add certification in severe disability and elementary education. Upon passing the additional Praxis Subject Area Assessment, a completer can apply for one or more of the possible endorsements.

      Students in the B.S. in Middle Level Education program have the ability to add additional subject areas to the primary focus through coursework in the discpline and a passing score on the appropriate Praxis Subject Area Assessment.

      Middle Level Add-On (pdf - 215 kb)

      Students pursuing a secondary content teaching field (undergraduate and graduate) can take a series of two additional courses in middle level theory and structure to add the same content area for grades 5 to 8 without additional testing when the application is made at the time of the initial certification application.

      History Add-On (pdf - 103 kb)

      Science Add-On (pdf - 113 kb)

      Science Single-Field Add-On (pdf - 202 kb)

      Social Studies Broad-Field Add-On (pdf - 108 kb)

      Social Studies Single-Field Add-On (pdf - 199 kb)

      World Language Add-On (pdf - 119 kb)


    An endorsement is a set of courses (typically two or three) in a specific area that are designed to provide a classroom teacher with extended knowledge on a specific topic. Endorsements are acknowledged by the state but they are not additional certification areas. Common offerings available at Winthrop include:

    • Working with students defined as Academically Gifted
    • Working with English Language Learners
    • Using project-based learning for instruction
    • Read-to-Succeed


Related Links

Frequently Asked Questions (pdf - 645 kb)

View Certification Status for South Carolina

Primary Certification Resources for South Carolina

State Application Information