
Degree Checklists

Visit Student Services for all degree checklists.

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics

The Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics program is designed to provide a broad introduction to the study of mathematics and its sub-fields and to allow students to pursue a minor in a related field of study. This program is the more flexible option for students wishing to complete combined majors. In addition to a core of courses and elective options in mathematics, this program allows students to pursue internships, individualized independent study, and undergraduate research with faculty members. This program equips students to follow a variety of post-college paths: graduates of this program pursue further education at graduate schools in related disciplines or hold responsible positions in businesses and governmental agencies.   

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics -- Certification as a Secondary School Teacher

The Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with certification program is designed to provide a broad introduction to the study of mathematics and its sub-fields while providing a path for certification for mathematics teaching in grades 9 through 12. In addition to a core of courses and elective options in mathematics, this program allows students to pursue individualized independent study and undergraduate research with faculty members. This program equips students to teach the variety of mathematics courses offered at the high school level and to communicate the connections between various mathematical ideas in a manner appropriate for high school students. Graduates of this program are sought-after candidates for teaching positions across South Carolina and beyond.   

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program is designed to provide a broad introduction to the study of mathematics and its sub-fields and to give students the opportunity to master advanced material in mathematics and allied disciplines. This program requires additional mathematics courses beyond those required for the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics program and thus offers students the ability to explore advanced topics in mathematics more extensively. This program allows students to pursue internships, individualized independent study, and undergraduate research with faculty members. This program equips students to follow a variety of post-college paths and is specifically designed to prepare students for graduate work in mathematics. Graduates of this program typically pursue further education at graduate schools in mathematics and allied disciplines, teach in post-secondary settings, and hold responsible positions in businesses and governmental agencies. 

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics -- Certification as a Secondary School Teacher

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program with certification is designed to provide a broad introduction to the study of mathematics and its sub-fields, to give students the opportunity to master advanced material in mathematics and allied disciplines, and to provide a path for certification for mathematics teaching in grades 9 through 12. This program requires additional mathematics courses beyond those required for the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with certification program and thus offers students the ability to explore advanced topics in mathematics more extensively. This program allows students to pursue individualized independent study and undergraduate research with faculty members. This program equips students to teach the variety of mathematics courses offered at the high school level and to communicate the connections between various mathematical ideas in a manner appropriate for high school students. Graduates of this program are sought-after candidates for teaching positions across South Carolina and beyond, and often pursue further education at graduate schools in mathematics, education, and allied disciplines.