
Study Abroad Options

In today's global economy and inter-dependent world, study abroad is especially germane. We strongly encourage students to study abroad for one or two semesters to learn from another perspective. Students enrolling in a B.A. or B.S. program are encouraged to study abroad during their junior year. Students enrolling in a B.A. or B.S. program and who are also pursuing an undergraduate degree with certification or an MAT degree should consult early in their careers with their academic advisor to determine the best term for their study abroad experience.

Several study abroad programs offer programs well-suited to mathematics majors wishing to satisfy either major or general education requirements. The mathematics major is flexible enough to allow students to study abroad at any program at which they can earn twelve transfer credit hours. Students are encouraged to explore the International Center website for information on a wide variety cost effective study abroad programs. The following programs have numerous course offerings in mathematics and complimentary fields. The Chair of the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Kristen Abernathy, can also advise students who are interested in other study abroad programs.

Deakin University; Melbourne, Australia

This program offers a full range of academic programs such as: mathematical modeling, game development, marine biology, film studies and forensic science.

Kingston University; London, England

This program offers a full range of academic programs such as: mathematics, computing and information systems, British life and culture, literature, human rights and television studies.

Budapest Semester in Mathematics; Budapest, Hungary

This very selective program is one of the most prestigious study abroad programs for undergraduate students in Mathematics.

Read more about International Study Abroad suggested plans of study.

Read more about Winthrop's study abroad programs at the International Center.