Make A GiftPsychology - About the Department

The Winthrop University Department of Psychology is committed to helping all students achieve their goals whether it be pursuing graduate or professional school, working in health or human services, using psychology as a base for a career in business, law, medicine, or other professional field, or simply attaining a well-rounded liberal arts education. We offer an outstanding undergraduate program in psychology as well as a nationally recognized graduate program in School Psychology.

We have a strong faculty who possess expertise in such specialties within psychology as clinical, counseling, child, cognition, developmental, experimental, industrial/organizational, physiological, school, social, and related areas. Our faculty model active professional involvement by presenting at conferences, publishing papers and books, contributing to community and state agencies, and holding leadership positions in state and national organizations. However, enhancing student learning and development through quality teaching, mentoring, advising, and assessment is our primary focus, not a sideline.

Psychology courses are taught by fourteen full-time faculty supplemented by qualified professional psychologists from the community who teach part-time. We are a department large enough to offer a range of courses and experiences, but small enough to provide students with opportunities for individualized attention and experiences. Such experiences include research, community service, internships, co-ops, and peer leadership. Winthrop's location within the greater Charlotte area affords many opportunities for psychology majors in settings ranging from rural to urban.

Our department encourages collaboration between students, and between faculty and students. Respect for the value of all human beings, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, abilities, disabilities, and economic background is a hallmark of the department that we seek to build upon through close working relationships in and out of class. We see diversity as a core strength of the department and are committed to providing a high quality education in which all students are challenged but also given the encouragement and support to succeed. 

Instruction and advisement are provided by faculty members known for their personable, individual attention to the needs of all of our students.

Our department is committed to providing high quality learning opportunities, evaluating our work, and making improvements. To that end we will ask psychology majors to complete several assessment tasks before they graduate to help us examine student learning outcomes and make our program even better.