
Psycstudents Listserv

Adapted from the Division of Computing and Information Technology

FAQ question What is a listserv?

FAQ answer A list server list (listserv) is an automated dynamic distribution e-mail list.  When a 
      listserv receives a message, it resends the message to all subscribers.  Individuals can
      add and remove themselves from the list at will.  List Server Lists make an effective
      forum for discussion.

FAQ question How do I join the listerv?

FAQ answer To subscribe to a list, send a mail message to with the 
      following in the body of a the message: subscribe Psycstudents your_full_name

FAQ question How do I send a message to the list?

FAQ answer Only individuals who have joined the listserv will be allowed to send messages to it.  To
      send a message to a list, send a mail message to,
      substituting the appropriate list name for your group.

FAQ question How do I stop receiving messages from the list?

FAQ answer To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to with the
      following the body of the message: unsubscribe Psycstudents