Psychology Internships

Winthrop Service Learning Program

Service learning provides opportunities for students to participate in organized community service that addresses local needs while developing their academic skills, sense of civic responsibility, and commitment to the community. Learn more about Center for Career Development and Internships at Winthrop.

PSYC 340 A, B, C, Field Placement in Psychology

Field placement allows psychology majors and minors to receive psychology elective credit for paid employment or volunteer experience relevant to psychology. Field experience may take place in a human or social service, health or mental health, educational, business, or related agency or organization. Details here.

PSYC 461 & 462, Academic Internships in Psychology

These 1- or 2- credit internships are similar to PSYC 463 but do not fulfill the capstone requirement.

PSYC 463, Academic Internships in Psychology

This is a three-credit course which fulfills the psychology major capstone experience requirement. It provides an opportunity for students to integrate their psychology coursework into a culminating practical experience in a human service, educational or business setting. It consists of a weekly seminar meeting of one hour and student participation in supervised, professional work activities related to the discipline of psychology. All field work will take place at a pre-assigned internship site for 8-12 hours per week for 15 weeks. A detailed description of PSYC 463 is available here. A list of typical internship sites is available here.