Joining the Network

Network Join Med

Being part of the Winthrop University-School Partnership Network means shared benefits to all parties. While type and level of engagement may differ by site, a commitment to the Partnership Network goals results in teacher growth and improved student achievement.


Partnership Network Levels

Professional Development Schools (PDS)

  • Engages in unique and intense school-university collaboration
  • Supports action research and inquiry projects
  • Hosts professional learning opportunities for the Partnership Network
  • Has at least two-thirds majority of the school's staff committed to the Partnership
  • Receives a significant university presence from a Winthrop Faculty in Residence
  • Hosts multiple field and internship experiences
  • Provides additional support for teacher candidates

Partner Schools (PS)

  • Engages in school-university collaboration through professional learning and research projects
  • Has at least half of the school's staff committed to the Partnership
  • Receives specialized support from the Rex Institute
  • Hosts multiple field and internship experiences

Content Area Assemblies (CAA)

  • Supports individual high school and K-12 teachers
  • Engages in collaboration specific to content area/field (e.g., English, art, etc.)
  • Receives specialized support from university program coordinators and the Rex Institute
  • Hosts multiple field and internship experiences
  • Individuals interested in joining a CAA should apply through the Host/Mentor Teacher page

Satellite Schools are schools within the partnering districts not identified as PDS or PS, but with access to most professional learning opportunities. No application is necessary for identification as a Satellite School.

Application Materials

We are now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. Application matierals are due by midnight on March 20th. It is highly recommended that administrators considering joining the Partnership Network spend time talking with all teachers and staff to ensure collective interest. If interest is maintained, schools submit the materials below to the Partnership Network office. The application process for this year is currently closed. 

Application materials are reviewed using the selection rubric by a sub-committee of the Partnership Network Advisory Council.

Moving from Partner School to Professional Development School

At certain times, it is possible for a Partner School to apply to move to Professional Development School status. Schools interested in increasing their commitment to the PDS level must complete an application. *Applications not accepted at this time.*