Research Council


Mission Statement

The Research Council administers an annual fund to support faculty and their student co-investigators in the pursuit of internal grants for research and creative activities. The Research Council provides guidance on writing applications; offers educational tools for successful submissions; and executes thorough, fair, and rubric-based reviews.

Research Council grants provide internal funding for concept development and gathering preliminary data that may lead to external funding application submissions.  And they support the high impact practice of experiential learning in research for student co-investigators.


Application Process

Important Dates

Application Due Date January 31, 2024*

Applicants will be sent an e-mail confirmation when applications are received. Please contact Michele Smith (ext. 2460) if this is not received within two business days of submission.

*If the due date falls on a weekend, applications will be accepted until 8:30 a.m. on the following workday.
Applications Reviewed by Research Council Members February 2024
Research Council Review Sessions March 2024

Research Council meets once per week in March with the number of review sessions driven by the number of applications.
Provost Review and Funding Recommendation Mid - Late March 2024

Research Council sends Provost the funding recommendation for review, revision, and approval. When the recommendation is forwarded depends on the number of review sessions. Provost review may take at least one week.
Notification Date Mid-March to April 2024

Notifications will be sent as soon as possible to ensure proper arrangements can be made by faculty and students for their research.
Grant Period May 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Final Grant Report Due September 15, 2025


Application Guidelines

FY2024 Guidelines (PDF - 45 KB)
Types of Undergraduate Research with Respect to Faculty


Application Forms

Faculty Research (PDF - 1 MB)
Supports individual faculty research, scholarship, and creative activities in all disciplines.

Faculty Research with Student Co-Investigator (PDF - 881 KB)
Supports research that clearly includes students (graduate and undergraduate) as co-investigators substantially involved in the project. Student involvement may occur throughout the project’s duration; during a critical stage(s); or for specific, vital tasks.  Student co-investigator contributions may include conceiving ideas and artistic designs, writing grant applications, conducting research, analyzing data, producing performances, and reporting results. The faculty applicant is required to clearly describe the tasks of student co-investigators at the time the application is submitted.

Research Council Budget Worksheet
The Research Council Budget Worksheet is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet developed to simplify the budget process for applicants and streamline the review process. It is required and must be submitted with all other application documents. See Sample Budget and Instructions tab in the worksheet for assistance. Contact the Grants Office at x2419 with any questions.


Evaluation Rubric

Faculty are encouraged to read the Research Council Scoring Rubric and familiarize themselves with the review criteria that will be used to evaluate applications.

Research Council Application Scoring Rubric (PDF - 54 KB)


Final Report

The principal investigator (and student co-investigator) must prepare a final report summarizing the activities and the results of the funded project.  Submit the Research Council Grant Final Report via e-mail to the Provost and GSRD. 

Deadline: September 15, 2025.

Research Council Grant Final Report Template


Grant Expenditure Guidelines

Grant Expenditure Guidelines


FY2024 Council Members

The Council consists of seven Provost-appointed faculty members who serve staggered three-year terms.  Members may not apply for Research Council grants or serve on the Institutional Review Board while seated on the Council. The chair is appointed annually by the Provost (or designee) who selects from current members.

  • Janet Wojcik, Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences
  • Biff Edge, College of Visual and Performing Arts
  • Nick Moellmann, College of Business and Technology
  • Cody Walters, Dacus Library
  • Sebastian van Delden, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Ex-Officio Member
  • Nick Grossoehme, College of Arts and Sciences, Director of Undergraduate Research, Ex-Officio Member
  • Kristin Smith, Director, Grants and Sponsored Research Development, Ex-Officio Member


Prior Year Award Statistics

Please contact the Grants Office for reports dating back to FY2004.