Academic Assessment Committee

The primary responsibilities of the Academic Assessment Committee include:

  • Review annual Continuous Improvement Reports (CIRs) and Continuous Improvement Plans (CIPs) and provide feedback to academic programs to enable quality assessment.

  • Facilitate a culture of assessment and continuous improvement in each academic program by supporting a process of self-evaluation and improvement.

  • Serve as an assessment leader and resource to academic programs.

The Academic Assessment Committee consists of 28 members, representing the degree-granting colleges and various academic units.

Current membership (PDF - 35 KB)


Read Me First – Review Process Guidelines (PDF - 214 KB)

This document guides the committee members through a detailed review process and describes resources available to support their review efforts.

Report Rubric – Academic (PDF - 226 KB)

This rubric is used to assess each Continuous Improvement Report (CIR) submitted by academic programs. The rubric allows for numerical ratings and reviewer comments for each of the rubric’s nine dimensions (i.e., mission statement, program outcomes, student learning outcomes, summary statement of assessment-based accomplishments and improvements, activities, assessment methods, assessment results, documentation, continuous improvement action plans). Completed rubrics are returned to academic programs to assist in the quality enhancement of subsequent CIRs.

Plan Rubric – Academic (PDF - 141 KB)

This rubric is used to assess each Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) submitted by academic programs. The rubric allows for a yes/no response for each of the rubric’s five dimensions (i.e., mission statement, program outcomes, student learning outcomes, activities, assessment methods) and an overall comment. Completed rubrics are returned to academic programs to assist in making any necessary adjustments to the Plan prior to implementation.

Bloom’s Taxonomy of Action Verbs (PDF - 48 KB)

Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a cognitive framework, arranging learning from lower level cognition (remembering) to higher cognitive functionality (creating). The listing of action verbs assists in identifying the level of cognition desirable for each student learning outcome.

Glossary of Assessment Terms (PDF - 231 KB)

The Glossary defines a number of assessment terms, enhancing the use of a “common” assessment language.

OARS User Instructions (PDF - 803 KB)

These instructions provide a detailed guide to committee members, allowing them to access their assigned CIRs and CIPs for review within OARS.