Institutional Assessment Meta-Analysis

As part of the University-wide efforts to promote quality assessment practices, the Department of Institutional Effectiveness conducts an annual meta-analysis of all CIR Rubric data. The focus of the meta-analysis is not on what is being assessed by each program/unit, but rather on the quality of the assessment practices and processes. Results of the meta-analysis are used to enhance institutional assessment-related training efforts. The Institutional Continuous Improvement Report indicates that the overall quality of the assessment process has been enhanced over the years, through the guidance and education provided by the Assessment Committees and the Department of Institutional Effectiveness.

Each report listed below includes information about the assessment committees, participation rates, and rubric dimensions. Most importantly, they contain:

  • Average Rubric Ratings – All Institutional Units

  • Frequency Distribution of Rubric Ratings – All Institutional Units

  • Frequency Distribution of Rubric Ratings – Academic Programs

  • Frequency Distribution of Rubric Ratings – Administrative Units

  • Frequency Distribution of Rubric Ratings – Student Support Units

  • Outcome Alignment with The Winthrop Plan

  • Outcome Alignment with University Level Competencies (ULCs)

Institutional Continuous Improvement Report 2017-18 (PDF - 180 KB)

Institutional Continuous Improvement Report 2018-19 (PDF - 228 KB)

Institutional Continuous Improvement Report 2019-20 (PDF - 330 KB)

Institutional Continuous Improvement Report 2020-21 (PDF - 263 KB)

Institutional Continuous Improvement Report 2021-22 (PDF - 325 KB)

Institutional Continuous Improvement Report 2022-23 (PDF - 320 KB)