Assessment Committees

Three institutional Assessment Committees (i.e., Academic, Administrative, Student Support) provide quality reviews of units’ Continuous Improvement Reports (CIRs).

The mission of the Assessment Committees is to foster an institutional culture of continuous improvement through ongoing, systematic, and sustainable assessment.

The purpose of the Assessment Committees is to collectively oversee and assist academic, student support, and administrative units in conducting ongoing assessment to improve student learning, academic and student support, and university services and operations.

The Assessment Committees function on a calendar year. New members join in January, training is held in the spring semester, and review of CIRs occurs in the fall semester. In preparation for the review process, new committee members attend four assessment training workshops in the spring semester, while established members attend one assessment training session in the spring semester. All members attend a mandatory rubric norming session in the fall semester, prior to beginning the review of CIRs.

Membership is on a three-year rotation, with one-third of the committee membership rotating off each year. This arrangement permits established members to be paired with new members during the review of CIRs, thus serving in a mentor role. The rotational membership also allows for increasing the sheer number of faculty and staff with assessment knowledge and experience, thus enhancing the culture of assessment at Winthrop University.

Click on the following links for more detailed information and committee resources.