DeAlva Wilson '92, '94


Name: DeAlva Wilson
Residence: Charlotte, North Carolina 
Degree: Accounting, M.B.A.
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer, Wilson Agency and DWA Enterprises

DeAlva Wilson '92, '94, recently named among Mecklenburg County's 50 Most Influential Women for 2020, understands that balance is a must for a busy businesswoman.

“Because I work a lot it is important to carve out time to be fully present with family and friends. That is critical to me and reminds me of what is most important,” said Wilson, who owns two businesses: Wilson Agency, a consulting firm focused on providing strategic solutions for national organizations; and DWA Enterprises, a holding company focused on supplies and trading commodities. She begins each day with prayer and meditation and some exercise to provide stability to her demanding lifestyle.

Since the pandemic, Wilson's business reach has been even more indispensable to small businesses navigating recovery efforts. Wilson has been active in Charlotte, North Carolina, helping support small businesses, women in leadership and marginalized communities.

“I've been very involved at the state and local levels with offering insight where I can,” Wilson said.

She is currently appointed to the Mayor's COVID Recovery Task Force for Small Business, the North Carolina Governor's Economic Recovery Group focused on balancing healthcare outcomes while protecting North Carolina's economy and to the NC COVID-19 Public Health Coalition led by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

For Wilson, her entrepreneurial path has its roots at Winthrop. “My steps were ordered, and the path I took was divine,” she added.

“Choosing Winthrop created a safe haven or incubator for me to learn and explore. It proved to be a strong education in technical and life skills. Winthrop was definitely an important part of my path,” said Wilson, who obtained her accounting degree and M.B.A. from Winthrop.

Her Winthrop experience was varied yet well-rounded. Academically, she had a strong educational foundation, her classes were challenging and went beyond covering the basics. Socially, Winthrop was perfect for her in terms of size and culture. She gained a network of friends and colleagues still very important to her.

“Many of my best friends are from Winthrop, and there are many reciprocal professional and community-based relationships very active today in which we support each other whenever opportunities to do so arise,” she said.

One fond memory for Wilson was working in President Emeritus Anthony DiGiorgio's office from her sophomore year through graduate school.

“That was an education in itself. I learned so much about leadership, professional work environments in a business setting, business etiquette and culture.”

DiGiorgio, who passed away in 2020, had a strong impact on Wilson.

“He was an incredible leader. A stern but caring man. A very smart visionary. I felt very blessed to be able to work in his office and watch the beginning stages of how Winthrop has evolved today. So many of us were impacted by his passing. He was very special,” she said.

Wilson remains an active alumni and donor and was instrumental in encouraging Black alumni to raise money for the then new Roddey, Johnson, Gladden, Meriwether Scholarship. She also has been working with others to re-establish the Winthrop Black Alumni Council.  



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