Electronic Consent

We are pleased to notify you that all Winthrop University employees will be able to receive their 2023 Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement electronically. If you have previously consented to receive your W-2 electronically and you do not wish to make any changes to your consent option, no further action is required.

In order to receive your W-2 electronically, you will need to give us your consent. This can be accomplished by completing the following steps:

  1. Log onto Wingspan
  2. Select the Employee Dashboard
  3. Select Taxes
  4. Select Electronic Regulatory Consent
  5. Consent to receive your W-2 electronically by clicking on the box 
  6. A check mark will appear in the box
  7. Click on Submit

Employees who consent to receive their Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement online will not receive a paper copy of their W-2 in the mail. If you choose not to receive your W-2 electronically, then you will receive your W-2 through the mail. W-2s will be mailed to the employee's permanent address. Please ensure that your permanent mailing address is correct by logging onto Wingspan and reviewing the information listed for your permanent address on the Personal Information tab.

Employees who choose to receive their Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement online can also receive a paper copy of the W-2 by contacting the Payroll Office. Requests for a paper copy do not withdraw the employee's consent for electronic delivery of all future W-2 Wage and Tax Statements. The employee can change their option and withdraw consent to online delivery by un-checking the consent check box and clicking the submit button.

The electronic format of the employee's Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement will not be available via Wingspan if the employee ends employment with Winthrop University, so all employees should be certain to print the W-2 Wage and Tax Statement for personal record keeping purposes. This should be done even when the W-2 is provided electronically.

In addition to username/password protection on your Wingspan account, your electronic W-2 viewing and transmission are protected by the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) cryptographic protocol for encryption. To ensure the legitimacy of this notification, please visit the Payroll website. You will find a copy of this notification listed under W-2 & Tax E-Consent.


Again, if you have previously consented to receive your W-2 electronically and you do not wish to make any changes to your consent option, no further action is required.

You may contact the Payroll Office at payroll@winthrop.edu with any questions that you may have regarding W-2s.

 2021 Form W2 Box 14 Statement (pdf - 74.1 KB)