Time Reporting


All Faculty and Staff, including temporary positions, are paid on the 1st and 16th of each month. Students are paid on the 10th and 25th. When these dates fall on a weekend, employees are paid on the preceding Friday.

Faculty and Staff are paid on a "to-date" basis. That is, they are paid on the 1st for time worked between the 16th and 31st of the preceding month. They are paid on the 16th for time worked between the 1st and 15th of the current month. (FS Payroll Calendar)

Hourly staff and hourly temporary employees are paid on the 1st for time worked between the 1st and 16th of the preceding month. On the 16th, they are paid for time worked between the 16th and 31st of the preceding month. (TH Payroll Calendar)

Students are paid on the 10th for hours worked between the 16th and 31st of the previous month. They are paid on the 25th for hours worked between the 1st and 15th of the month. (SD Payroll Calendar

Temporary Positions

Temporary employees are paid on the 1st for time worked between the 1st and 15th of the preceding month. On the 16th, they are paid for time worked between the 16th and 30th or 31st of the preceding month.

Employees are required to enter their hours worked on their Timesheet in Wingspan. These entries are the clock times that the employee reports in for work and when he/she finishes work for the day.  At the end of the pay period, the employee submits the timesheet for approval by the employee's supervisor.

It is the supervisor's responsibility to accurately approve hours worked by the employee based on information provided on Wingspan. He/She does so by approving the timesheet in Wingspan, authorizing the Payroll Department to pay the employee for the number of hours reported.

Student Positions

Students are paid on the 10th for hours worked between the 16th and 31st of the previous month. They are paid on the 25th for hours worked between the 1st and 15th of the month.

Student employees are required to enter their hours worked on the web timesheet via Wingspan.  The student records the clock times at which he/she reports for work and when they leave.  At the end of each pay period, the time sheet should be submitted by the student for approval by their supervisor. The supervisor reviews the time sheet and attests to its accuracy by approving the time sheet in Banner prior to the lock date for the payroll based on the payroll calendar.


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires a non-exempt employee to be paid overtime or receive compensatory time for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week. Winthrop's work week begins on Sunday and ends on the following Saturday.  The Payroll Department reviews each entry on the temporary and student time sheets to determine if overtime is to be paid and processes the information accordingly.

Overtime is paid at one-and-a-half times the normal hourly rate of an employee. Compensatory time off is earned at the rate of one-and-a-half hours for each hour worked in excess of 40 per work week.

An employee's position is either non-exempt from FLSA or exempt. Non-exempt positions fall under the overtime rules while exempt positions are not eligible for overtime or compensatory time. The decision as to which classification is used is determined by Human Resources (HR) and is based on an evaluation of the position duties. For example, if the majority of the job is clerical or secretarial in nature and/or the employee performs primarily general office work, the job is non-exempt. The level of supervisory control and evaluation of non-routine questions are also factors in determining the classification.