About Us

COVID-19 Updates

OA continues to operate, providing full services to Winthrop students, faculty, and staff, as well as to the community. As of Fall 2022, in-person appointments have resumed. Other appointments may be available either virtually, via phone, or another technology platform. OA staff can be reached via e-mail at accessibility@winthrop.edu and at OA_Team@winthrop.edu to schedule an appointment. The OA Test Center is by appointment only. Please visit the OA Test Center website for more information about scheduling policies.


Face Coverings 

As of March 24, 2022, face coverings are optional in all campus buildings. The only areas where face coverings must be worn are in the Center for Student Wellness areas located in Joynes Hall. As we continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our community, we will periodically review this requirement and its continued implementation, guided by advice and recommendations of the CDC and SCDHEC. (Excerpted from the WU Return to Learn webpage, Spring 2022).


Ease of Access

For efficiency of service, OA utilizes a case management system called Accessible Information management (AIM) through which students can initiate virtual appointments, upload documentation, access letters of accommodation, and manage accommodations, including OA Test Center appointment requests. Students can utilize the Student AIM Portal for all of their accommodation needs. Faculty can also access the Faculty AIM Portal. OA will continue to communicate to faculty how they can use this software to manage test requests and view student accommodations. Students who are not registered with OA may visit the Accommodations and Services page on the OA website to explore how to receive services. If you are ready to register please visit the How to Register with OA page.


Do you have questions about accessibility for your online classes?

Questions may be answered on our Frequently Asked Questions for Accessible Online Classes page