Academic Coaching Request and Consent

Academic coaching is about helping you build resilience and succeed in achieving your academic goals. Coaching is not counseling, therapy, or academic advising. Coaching is offered in addition to the many other student services available to you. Your coach may recommend another service for a particular form of support that goes beyond the boundaries of coaching. You are expected to be fully present for coaching sessions, bringing issues or areas for discussion into the conversation. You need to be fully committed to your own learning by responding to messages and attending scheduled coaching sessions. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify your coach in advance so that your appointment time can be given to another student.

  1.  I understand that academic success coaches are mandatory reporters and adhere to FERPA. They retain the option to consult with FERPA approved resources and abide by the Office for Equal Opportunity’s reporting requirements set forth. I understand that academic coaches are not counselors, and are therefore not bound by HIPPA.
  2. I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in exploring options.
  3. I understand there may be times my coach offers a referral to another service, and that I can choose to decline the referral.
  4. I understand advanced notice is required if an academic coaching meeting needs to be canceled and rescheduled. In addition, I understand that two or more absences will jeopardize or terminate my ability to continue any regularly scheduled meetings with my academic coach.

If you are interested in signing up for academic coaching, e-mail the ASC at