Adding PDF Links

  1. Type new text or highlight existing text that you want to hyperlink on your page.
  2. Click "Link" in the menu by right clicking on your highlighted text.  You may also click the chain icon in the toolbar.

    Step 1

  3. Click the URL (up arrow) icon to the right of the URL field.

    Step 2

  4. Make sure that the drop down on the right is set for "Staging" and click "www" to get to the root level of the site.

    Step 3

  5. Scroll down the folder list and click on "uploadedFiles" then, scroll down and click on your folder name.
  6. Scroll down until you see the name of the file that you want to link to and click once on the file name.
  7. Note the size of the pdf in the gray area to the right.
  8. Click the blue "Insert" button.

    Step 4

  9. Type in the proper pdf notation in the "Text to Display" field using the pdf size from step 7.
  10. Copy (Ctrl+C) the "Text to Display" text and paste (Ctrl+V) into the "Title" field.

    Step 5

  11. Click the blue "Save" button.

Note: If you are in the middle of performing edits and need to leave your workstation temporarily, you may want to "Save and Exit" if you want to make more edits later (the page will not be live but the page will remain checked out to you).  If you are done with editing your page, you may simply click the green "Publish" button to make your changes live on the site.