Frequently Asked Questions

Web Policy FAQs

FAQ question    Must I use the a web template?

FAQ Answer   Yes, all pages must adhere to the provided templates. They are provided to help web authors in designing pages and to encourage consistency throughout the site. There are good reasons for consistency: it helps enhance graphic identity, provides visitors with a clear sense of place, and complements other university publications and materials. Very creative things can be done both within the template and within policy guidelines. It's just a question of how creative you want to be.

FAQ question   What is the difference between an official and an unofficial page?

FAQ Answer   An official page is the sanctioned and publicly-accessible webpage for the university or any of its colleges, departments, offices, services or other units. Most of these pages reside on, but may reside on other servers. An unofficial page is a webpage that represents some individual or organization that is part of the Winthrop community. Most of these pages currently reside on and, but some may reside on other servers. These pages may include (but are not limited to) course syllabi and teaching materials, research and instructional materials, organizational information and personal self-expression. They are governed by the Appropriate Use Policy, but since they do not represent official entities at Winthrop, they are not governed by the Winthrop University Web Policy.

FAQ question   What are the required elements on official pages?

FAQ Answer   For CMS sites, check out the required design elements and template parts.

FAQ question   Who determines content on official pages?

FAQ Answer   The department head determines site content and will likely also have thoughts on the design and layout to help guide an official site creation.

FAQ question   Does my faculty page on have to be in compliance with this policy?

FAQ Answer   No. Faculty pages are not considered official pages. Course syllabi, reading lists and other content on faculty pages are not governed by the web policy.

FAQ question   Can I use frames on my site?

FAQ Answer   No. All official pages are contained within a content management system and, as such, the design and layout of these pages should not be altered. If your page is an unofficial page, you may use frames, but it is not recommended. Winthrop's search technology and entry points within the Internet's most popular search engines will pick up individual pages of a frameset. Some people will come to an individual page and never see the navigation on a site using frames.

FAQ question   Can I scan the logo off of printed material I have?

FAQ Answer   No. We can provide various versions of our logo for your use. You may contact the Director of Printing and Creative Services with your specific needs. These efforts help preserve the quality of our logo.

FAQ question   What is an 'alternative description' and why do I need to put it on certain images?

FAQ Answer   The alternative description makes webpages more accessible to people with disabilities. People who use speech technology along with their browsers and those who use handheld screen reader devices can access webpages much easier if alternative descriptions are used correctly.

FAQ question   If I need approval for the use of Winthrop's name, logos or graphics on an external site, what should I do?

FAQ Answer   Only external web sites in which Winthrop University shares sponsorship, has partnered with or otherwise is officially affiliated may use the university's copyrighted and trademarked official logos and logotypes. However, non-affiliated external web sites may include text links to official Winthrop web pages.

In ALL cases, permission to link to official pages or use the university's copyrighted and trademarked official logos and logotypes must be sought and obtained in writing.