Content Management System

Design Elements

Winthrop's CMS allows web authors to work within attractive, well-branded and approved webpage templates—the framework for creating websites that wow! Some elements of the new CMS design are required to ensure a consistent web experience. Branding through global elements such as a header and footer, as well as similarly located information (i.e. left side menu and contact information), create a familiar environment that is simple for the web user to navigate.  At the same time, some parts of the design are unique to various departments and audiences, allowing for a personalized website.

Colors and Fonts

The CMS webpages use a color scheme that pulls in our official garnet and gold, as well as colors from a secondary color palette.

In addition to the consistent use of colors, the CMS pages utilize a specific set of font styles. Some of the specified fonts are for those elements that are part of a webpage structure, like the six levels of HTML headings. Other font choices are provided for authors to further customize and/or draw attention to various parts of the Web page.

Standard Template Parts

  1. Header logo
    The Winthrop logo at the top of every page is clickable to easily return to the university home page.
  2. Header utility navigation
    Apply Now, Quick Links and a search bar in the upper right corner of all pages provide easy access to important content.
  3. Primary navigation
    An audience menu at the top of every page (under the header) offers another means of navigation that is familiar to many site visitors.
  4. Header slideshow
    Each page has a header photo slideshow beneath the primary navigation that can be customized with different images.
  5. Secondary navigation 
    Most pages have an area-specific content menu on the left side of the template design. 
  6. Related links
    Shown below the secondary navigation menu, related links are used to showcase links to information that might otherwise be difficult to find on Winthrop's website and that would be of interest to visitors of a particular site.
  7. Contact information
    Most pages have area-specific contact information shown on the left side of the template design below the secondary navigation and related links boxes.
  8. Footer navigation
    Just as with the header navigation, the footer navigation provides easy access to frequently accessed information, including general Winthrop University contact information.