Content States


Once your edits are complete, you can save your progress. This only saves the changes you have made while editing the page, but does not make your changes public on the Web site.  You will use the "Save and Exit" toolbar icon in the CMS editor.  

* Note: Please keep in mind your page will remain "checked out" or "locked out" to other users if you only "Save and Exit". You will need to publish your page for those changes to be applied to the live Web site.


1. Navigate to the appropriate page in OU Campus.
2. Click on the green "Publish" button.
3. From the Publish box, run page checks on the page as needed (the accessibility check will automatically run).
5. Click Publish in the bottom right of the box.

My Checked-Out Content

To see all the pages you have checked out, rollover the “Dashboard” button in the top blue bar and click on “Overview” in the drop down menu. The next screen will show you “My Checked-Out Content”.

Check In

To check pages back in, you may click the light bulb icon beside any page in the pages list in your folder.  You may also click the light bulb on the page you currently have checked-out.