Setting Reminders

Reminders are a useful feature that can help web authors keep the content on their pages up-to-date by sending an e-mail to a user or group of users letting them know it is time to review or update content on the website. Reminders can be scheduled on individual pages, PDFs and images. Examples of content that could benefit from scheduling reminders include:

  • PDF forms with dates or details that change each year
  • Event specific pages or fliers that need to be updated or removed after the event
  • "Contact Us" pages with office hours that change each semester or over the summer
  • Staff directories that include student workers or GAs who change each semester or year

How to Set Reminders

There are two ways to access the settings and schedule a reminder for a page, PDF, or image:

    1. Navigate to the folder where the page, PDF or image is located, and click the three dots next to the item that needs a reminder. Click "Edit" and then "Reminders."
      screenshot of the more actions button screenshot of the edit dropdown options
    2. Make sure you are on the "Scheduled Reminder" tab, and then click the radio button next to "Enabled" to begin.
    3. Enter the date and time that you want to be reminded.
    4. If you want the reminder to reoccur automatically going forward, enter a number in the “Repeat Every” box and choose a frequency from the dropdown (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly). The reminders will continue on that schedule until you manually turn them off.
      Note: If you only want the reminder to happen once, leave the "Repeat Every" section blank.
    5. By default, the reminder will only be sent to you. If you want the reminder to go to all of the web authors in your department, click the drop down box and select your department or group name.
      Note: If you are a member of multiple groups and aren’t sure which group is responsible for a specific page, you can send an e-mail to the web developer to ask.
    6. You can optionally fill in a subject line and message for the reminder. This can help specify what information needs to be checked or updated on the page, especially if the message will be going to multiple web authors.
    7. Make sure the “Send Copy to Email” box is checked so that you will see the reminder without having to log into the CMS.
    8. When you are finished, click the blue “Save” button. A confirmation message will pop up in the lower left corner of your screen.
    screenshot of the reminder settings box
    1. Click "Properties" above the editing toolbar, and then click "Reminders" on the left side of the screen.
      screenshot of the properties buttonscreenshot of the reminders button inside the properties menu
    2. Click the checkbox next to "Set Scheduled Reminder."
    3. Enter the date and time that you want to be reminded.
    4. If you want the reminder to reoccur automatically going forward, enter a number in the “Repeat Every” box and choose a frequency from the dropdown (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly). The reminders will continue on that schedule until you manually turn them off.
      Note: If you only want the reminder to happen once, leave the "Repeat Every" section blank.
    5. By default, the reminder will only be sent to you. If you want the reminder to go to all of the web authors in your department, click the drop down box and select your department or group name.
      Note: If you are a member of multiple groups and aren’t sure which group is responsible for a specific page, you can send an e-mail to the web developer to ask.
    6. You can optionally fill in a subject line and message for the reminder. This can help specify what information needs to be checked or updated on the page, especially if the message will be going to multiple web authors.
    7. Make sure the “Send Copy to Email” box is checked so that you will see the reminder without having to log into the CMS.
    8. When you are finished, click the blue “Save” button at the top of the page. A confirmation message will pop up in the lower left corner of your screen.
    screenshot of the reminder settings inside properties


Frequently Asked Questions

    You can always return to the reminders settings to edit the frequency of a reminder or change who receives the notifications (i.e. only you or all the web authors in your group).

    1. Navigate to the folder where the page, PDF or image is located, and click the three dots next to the item that needs the reminder changed. Click "Edit" and then "Reminders."
    2. Update the date, time, frequency, or notification settings as needed.
    3. Be sure to click the blue “Save” button for your changes to take effect.
    4. A confirmation message will pop up in the lower left corner of your screen.
    1. Navigate to the folder where the page, PDF or image is located, and click the three dots next to the item that needs the reminder changed. Click "Edit" and then "Reminders."
    2. Click the radio button next to "Disabled."
    3. Be sure to click the blue “Save” button for your changes to take effect.
    4. A confirmation message will pop up in the lower left corner of your screen.

    Please view our tutorial on overwriting content in the CMS.

    Send an e-mail to the web developer. Please include a link to the specific page, PDF or image that you want deleted.