Constitution Day Archive


Facial Recognition Technology and the Limits of the Consitution

Speakers Candace Carroll and Frank Knaack will discuss facial recognition technology and how it ties in to our Constitutional rights. This year, Constitution Day is also Voter Registration Day. Winthrop has partnered with TurboVote to help engage citizens in local elections and assisting in voter registration. More information can be found on the TurboVote website.



The Centennial of Women's Suffrage and the Constitution: Constitution Day Speaker and First Event in the Centennial of Women's Suffrage Event Series

Dr. Brandon Ranallo-Benavidez gave a lecture about the history of women's suffrage in relation to the Constitution.

**In addition, The 2020 West Forum Constitution Day initiative will be an online voter registration campaign with out student Voting Ambassadors. 



The Constitution, Redistricting, and Gerrymandering
Dr. John Holder gave a lecture on the role of the Constitution in redistricting. He discussed the Constitutional nature of redistricting, along with recent court decisions related to the topic.


Free Speech and the Responsibilities of Citizenship

Dr. Michael Lipscomb discussed the basis of the Constitutional freedom of speech and expression. He related the Constitution and the Founders to later thinkers, like John Stuart Mill. He also discussed how freedom of speech and expression is a responsibility of all citizens.



Leadership and Social Change: Electoral Politics & Civic Engagement

Dr. John Holder gave a lecture on federalism, in which local, state, and federal governments have different responsibilities. Then the event will break into an interactive workshop, whereby students will consider common challenges they may face as citizens. They will consider different strategies and discuss each one's effectiveness. 



Federal and State Election Laws
Dr. Martha Kropf, Interim Director of Public Policy and Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, spoke on federal and state election laws. She covered where they converge and where they diverge, also addressing recent changes at that state level to restrict voters' access to the polls.



Federalism and the Constitution: From a Historical and Global Lens
Dr. Eddie Lee examined the evolution of states' rights and federal government powers in the US Constitution. He discussed why the federalists "won". Dr. Time Boylan looked at the Constitution from a global and comparative perspective and discussed how it has endured over time and become a model for other constitutions around the world.



Dr. John Holder: The Constitution and the Right to Vote
In honor of Constitution Day, Dr. John Holder discussed the right to vote in the US Constitution. He covered historical aspects of the right to vote as well as current obstacles with a special focus on North and South Carolina.



What are the Limits of Free Speech?
Mr Stephen Cox, attorney at law, will discuss the limitations of free speech. In particular Mr Cox will focus on the limits that national security imposes on free speech and the government's right to limit "offensive speech." The event will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2013.



Why the Electoral College is Bad for America
Dr. George C. Edwards III, University Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M University, and renowned scholar of the US Presidency, discussed his book, Why the Electoral College is Bad for America. (2011 Yale University Press). He spoke on Thursday, September 13, 2012. 



The Second Amendment: Heller and Beyond
The West Forum hosted Ms. Suzanne Anglewicz, attorney for the National Rifle Association, as its 2011 Constitution Day Speaker on Friday, September 16, 2011. Ms. Anglewicz spoke on the importance of recent Supreme Court cases and their relevance to the Second Amendment.



The 26th Amendment and Young Adults' Political Participation
Dr. Bobbi Gentry, a 2004 Winthrop Graduate and assistant professor of political science at Milliken University was Winthrop University's 2010 Constitution Day speaker. Gentry is an expert on youth voting and political engagement.



The First Amendment and the Religious Clauses
Heather L. Weaver, an attorney from the American Civil Liberties Union Religion and Belief Program in Washington, DC, discussed the historical development of the religious freedom clauses of the First Amendment.


Additional Resources

The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia provides numerous resources for educators who are planning their own Constitution Day Celebrations