Contact Us

You can e-mail the office at if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. If you need to speak to someone directly in the office, please see the profiles below for that information.


Adolphus BelkDr. Adolphus Belk Jr.

Office: 332 Bancroft Hall
Phone: 803/323-4581

Dr. Adolphus Belk Jr. completed his graduate studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, earning a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in government and politics. He also earned a bachelor’s degree in African American Studies and Political Science from Syracuse University.

A native of Brooklyn, New York, he teaches courses on American government, black politics, public policy, and race and ethnic politics in the United States. Dr. Belk has studied and written about the politics of crime and punishment in the United States, as well as white nationalism in American government and politics. He and a former student, Lakeyta Bonnette-Bailey ’04, now a professor of political science at Georgia State University, are co-editors of a new book, “For the Culture: Hip-Hop and the Fight for Social Justice.”

He is the recipient of three faculty awards: Outstanding Junior Professor, Kinard Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Distinguished Professor Award.

Dr. Jennifer Disney

Dr. Jennifer Disney

Office:  328 Bancroft Hall   
Phone:  803/323-4668

Dr. Jennifer Leigh Disney completed her Ph.D. with distinction at The Graduate School and University Center of The City University of New York (CUNY) in 2002. She is Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science and Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. From 2014-2018, Dr. Disney served as co-editor of New Political Science: A Journal of Politics and Culture with Dr. Jocelyn Boryczka of Fairfield University.

Her areas of teaching, research, and scholarship are in the fields of comparative politics and feminist theory, specifically in the areas of development and underdevelopment, intersectional feminisms, and global women’s movements. She teaches courses in "Comparative Politics," "Women and Global Politics," "African Politics," "Latin American Politics," "International Political Economy," "Social Movement Politics and Political Protest," "Political Science Capstone," and "Women's and Gender Studies."