NEW Leadership South Carolina

***The NEW Leadership program has been discontinued until further notice. This page will be updated as new information is received.***

The John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy is pleased to partner with the College of Charleston to bring the NEW Leadership Summer Institute to South Carolina. NEW Leadership South Carolina is affiliated with the NEW Leadership Network created by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

The purpose of NEW Leadership South Carolina is to educate college women about the political process and to inspire them to consider careers in public service. In spite of recent gains, including the election of its first female governor in 2010, South Carolina ranks near the bottom among U.S. states in the percentage of women in the state legislature, and women are underrepresented in on public boards and commissions and statewide offices as well.

NEW Leadership South Carolina is a residential program that gives college women the knowledge and skills to become effective leaders in politics, public policy and public service. During the four-and-a-half-day Institute, participants will meet women leaders, learn about women in American politics, and develop and practice leadership skills through panel discussions, workshops, and hands-on projects. After the Summer Institute, participants are encouraged to continue to develop public leadership skills and become involved in community affairs.  

Watch our 2013 video of the inaugural NEW Leadership South Carolina class! 

Application Information

The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at any South Carolina college or university, and any South Carolina residents attending college out of state. NEW Leadership South Carolina is committed to including participants from diverse backgrounds, ideological perspectives, and fields of study. Women of color, nontraditional-aged students, technical college students, students with disabilities and those in fields other than Political Science are especially encouraged to apply.  Participants will be selected based on their commitment to women's leadership and their interest in public affairs.

What does the program cost?

The last time offered, the program fee was $265 per person. The fee covered housing, food, on-campus parking, and all program materials for the four days of the Institute. Students were responsible for their own transportation to and from the Summer Institute.  

A limited number of scholarships were available from the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy. The scholarships were awarded on the basis of need. In addition, applicants were encouraged to approach their institutions for financial support.

