Medieval Studies Minor

The minor in Medieval Studies (MDST) offers you the opportunity to acquire an understanding of the historical, cultural, and social forces that shaped our world during the Middle Ages.

Whether it’s studying Anglo-Saxon treasure, tracing the development of western Christianity, or critically examining 15th century French manuscripts, the medieval studies minor educates students about culture and society from late antiquity to the Renaissance. A minor in medieval studies is useful preparation for advanced study in many fields, from history to literature to art to politics, as well as for those students who have an existing interest in the period. Students study the forms and systems that governments, organizations, and individuals created to address problems and challenges from the fifth through the fifteenth centuries.


Dr. Greg Bell


Study real manuscripts from the Middle Ages at the archives with medieval studies faculty.


Make Connections

Discover how the Middle Ages informs many aspects of popular culture today, from Sherlock Holmes to Skyrim.

Student Right


From on-campus workshops about Viking womens’ crafts to study abroad excursions, get hands-on experience while studying the Middle Ages.



Students in medieval studies can participate in a wide variety of experiences, from studying Winthrop’s collection of medieval manuscript fragments to visiting European castles to intervening at art museums and archaeological sites, gaining global knowledge as they pursue their cultural, historical, and intellectual interests in the Middle Ages. Minors frequently participate in undergraduate research activities that enrich their college experience and better prepare them for their future endeavors. The wide variety of courses and hands-on opportunities in the minor encourage students to: engage in intensive examination of various material and conceptual aspects of culture from the fall of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the Renaissance; analyze medieval culture through multiple disciplines, including literature, philosophy, religion, political theory, the arts, music, architecture, history, archaeology, and/or language; demonstrate their understanding of cultural issues in the period from an interdisciplinary perspective recognize and articulate both continues and discontinues between the worldviews of medieval culture and those of our own culture.


The Program

The minor consists of 18 credit hours, six hours of which must be numbered above 299. In addition to MDST 300 (Introduction to Medieval Studies), students select additional courses from a list including anthropology, art and architectural history, dance, English, French, history, Latin, religion, theatre, and assorted special topics courses. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of undergraduate research experiences for credit.



MDST 300 (3) Introduction to Medieval Studies 

6 hrs from the following list:

ARTH 342 (3) Medieval European Art and Architecture
ENGL 512 (3) Middle English Literature (excluding Chaucer) 
HIST 542 (3) Medieval European History 
PLSC 351 (3) Ancient and Medieval Political Thought 
RELG 316 (3) Christian Thought from Origins to the Reformation 

and 9 hrs of additional courses, including additional courses from the list above or from the following list:

MDST 203 (3) Studies in the Middle Ages 
MDST 305 (3) Research in Medieval Studies 
MDST 350 (3) Studies in the Middle Ages 
MDST 510 (3) Topics in Medieval Studies 
ANTH 220 (3) Introduction to Archaeology 
ANTH 322 (3) Ancient Civilizations of the Americas 
ARTH 175 (3) Introduction to Ancient and Medieval Art
ARTH 342 (3) Medieval European Art and Architecture  
DANT 385 (3) Dance Hist: Prim Cultures-19th C. 
ENGL 307 (3) The Arthurian Tradition 
ENGL 507 (3) History & Development of Modern English
ENGL 511 (3) Chaucer 
FREN 550 (3) Medieval French Literature 
HIST 112 (3) World Civilizations from 950-1750 
HIST 346 (3) History of England to 1603 
HIST 542 (3) Medieval European History 
LATN 101 (3) Elementary Latin I 
LATN 102 (3) Elementary Latin II 
LATN 201 (3) Intermediate Latin 
RELG 220 (3) Reading Biblical Texts 
RELG 313 (3) Introd to Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) 
RELG 314 (3) New Testament 
THRT 385 (3) Theatre History and Literature 

Topics courses in ARTH, ARTT, DANT, ENGL, FREN, GERM, HIST, MUST, PHIL, RELG, SPAN, THRT, and WMST, and MLAN 330 or MLAN 530 may be included if they address an appropriate topic.



Dr. Gregory Bell
366 Bancroft

Medieval Studies Resources