The Minor


The minor in history consists of 18 semester hours in HIST:

  • HIST 211 (3) United States History to 1877  OR
  • HIST 212 (3) United States History Since 1877

3 hours from

  • HIST 111 (3) World Civilizations to 950  
  • HIST 112 (3) World Civilizations From 950-1750  
  • HIST 113 (3) World Civilizations Since 1750

and an additional 12 hours of HIST, at least 6 hours in courses numbered above 299.


Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution Studies Minor:

The Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution Studies Minor at Winthrop University is an interdisciplinary program that seeks to provide students with the practical knowledge and the theoretical background to help build more peaceful societies. As such, this minor exposes students to war and peace, conflict and conflict resolution, violence and nonviolence. This minor exposes students to the root causes of conflict at the familial, community, local, state, national, and international levels and the social and political movements that have led to the transformation of those conflicts. This minor will challenge students to explore the peaceful settlement of disputes through a variety of disciplinary perspectives and pedagogical approaches.


This minor complements many majors on campus and will help prepare students for graduate study in peace and conflict resolution studies, for work in the nonprofit sector and for occupations in which skills in mediation and conflict resolution are required.

Students interested in the Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution Studies minor should contact Dr. Ginger Williams at 803/323-4680.

Read more about the Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution Studies minor.


The Medieval Studies Minor

The minor in Medieval studies (MDST) offers students the opportunity to acquire an understanding of the historical, cultural, and social forces that shaped western civilization during the Middle Ages. Students can choose from an interdisciplinary variety of existing courses and will be encouraged to consult with members of the Medieval Studies Advisory Committee on opportunities for studying medieval culture in situ. We also sponsor classes and cultural events, such as lectures, workshops, and opportunities to hit people with padded swords, so that students can engage actively with the many facets of medieval culture. Students can also check out our Medieval Manuscript Collection at the Louise Pettus Archives. In addition, this minor may be a useful preparation for those students considering graduate school in any of these fields. Please contact Dr. Gregory Bell for more information!