Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology


Many seniors choose to participate in an internship, although it is not a requirement for the sociology degree. Internships are available at a variety of locations throughout York County and the metro Charlotte area.

In their senior year of study, students completing the sociology major with a criminology concentration are encouraged to enroll in an internship related to the field. Winthrop students have completed internships at such places as York County Solicitor's Office, the York County Public Defender's Office, the Rock Hill Police Department, and Safe Passage, the shelter for battered women.  Also, students have been placed at ECO women's prison, YMCA, York County Juvenile Arbitration and Winthrop Law Enforcement.

Winthrop University's Center for Career Development and Internships (CDI) can also be a resource for you.  CDI provides students with a comprehensive approach to career preparation, personal growth, and service to the community with experiential learning as a key component.

CDI Internship Agreement Form

SOCL 340c Requirements