FAQs for Students

See below for answers to some common questions.

    Beginning Monday, January 23, 2023, if you are changing your major, minor, concentration, or catalog year, you can initiate the change in Wingspan. Click here for directions.

    New students will receive a faculty advisor early in their first semester; this person's name will appear in Wingspan. If you change majors or change to a CAS major from another college, you will receive an e-mail with your advisor assignment.

    Your catalog is the official university document that includes all requirements for your degree program(s). Because catalogs change over time, your catalog is set (by default) to the year when you first enrolled at Winthrop. Unless you change your "catalog year", you must follow the requirements in the catalog for the academic year you first enrolled at Winthrop. You can see your catalog year in DegreeWorks.

    Your faculty advisor may recommend changing your catalog if requirements in a different year's catalog could advance your progress toward degree completion. Students should not change catalogs without consulting with their faculty advisors. 

    Complete the CAS Petition form to begin appeal for variations in an undergraduate program of study within the College of Arts & Sciences. Contact CAS Student Services if you need assistance. Send your completed form to CAS Student Services. You should consult your advisor and/or your department chair first.
    If you would like to petition to be exempted from the CAS foreign language requirement, please get in touch with us.

    Complete the Approval to Transfer Credit form and sign it if you can. Send the completed form to casstudentservices@winthrop.edu for approval. You can submit the form even if you cannot sign it.  

    The approved form will be sent to you by e-mail so you can forward it to the institution you plan to attend.

    Please see the Student Resources provided by Computing and Information Technology.  

    The first step is to express your concerns to your instructor. If you are unable to resolve your concern via first contacting your instructor, then you should direct your concern to the Chair of the department in which the course is offered. If you are unable to resolve your concern via contact with the Chair of the department, you may then direct your concern to the Dean of the College housing the department in question. Consider also, in any case, consulting with your academic advisor regarding your concern.

    As shared in an e-mail from Student Affairs, the following help is available: 

    • Students who are currently engaged with Counseling Services or Student Advocacy and Trauma Support counseling should check their e-mail for messages from their counselor about tele-mental health needs. Please visit the Center for Student Wellness webpage for more information.  
    • Office of Accessibility (OA) staff are available for students via e-mail. OA can then explore options such as Skype, telephone, or other online options to engage in discussion and conversation. OA staff can be reached at OA_Team@winthrop.edu.  
    • Health Services is offering telephone triage appointments for eligible students during the remote instruction time period. Please visit the Center for Student Wellness webpage for more information.  
    • The Dean of Students Office is available to assist with resource needs. Students may reach out to Assistant Dean of Students, Miranda Knight, at knightm@winthrop.edu with questions and concerns. As there will likely be a delay in responding and limited options on campus, please call 211from your cell phone or visit 211.org for immediate assistance with resources.  
    • The Center for Career Development and Internships (CDI) will continue to provide career services to students virtually and by phone. To make a career consultation appointment, students should visit the CDI website and press the “Book Now” button. Next day resume reviews are still available to them through EAGLELINK.