

CSCI 101 Labs Tutoring

CSCI 101 Labs Tutoring is available in Thurmond 303 on a first-come, first-served basis. Please refer to the link below for the schedule: 

In-Person Tutor Schedule - Spring 2024 (pdf - 542 kb)


For questions or concerns regarding tutoring for the CSCI 101 Labs, contact Richard Tyner (tynerr3@winthrop.edu) or Richard Ilson (ilsonr@winthrop.edu).



CBT Tutoring for Select Business Courses

Tutoring for select lower level CBT courses (ACCT 280, ACCT 281, ECON 215, ECON 216, QMTH 205, and QMTH 210) is offered Monday through Thursday in Thurmond 303 on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please refer to the link below for the tutoring schedule:


Lower Level Course Tutor Schedule (by course) - Spring 2024 (pdf - 563k)

Lower Level Course Tutor Schedule (by time slot) - Spring 2024 (pdf - 10.6k)