Global Learning Initiative


Long Term Study Abroad Program


As a part of a campus-wide commitment to the Global Learning Initiative (GLI), Winthrop University and The College of Business and Technology strongly encourage students to participate in a long-term (one semester or one year) study abroad experience during their undergraduate careers, which can be included in a four-year degree program, allowing you to graduate on time. Studying abroad is an excellent way to prepare for work and citizenship in a diverse society and a globalized world.

With advance planning, Winthrop University students can participate in a variety of study abroad programs and transfer credit back to Winthrop.


Business Administration Information


For most majors and concentrations in the College of Business and Technology, the fifth semester is the ideal time to participate in a full-semester study abroad experience.  Students may enroll in foundation, core, and general education courses that will meet degree requirements.  Students in International Business or Economics can usually find transferable courses in additional semesters for multiple universities.  

Deakin University and Kingston University are good choices for many Business students. Deakin University is located in Melbourne, Australia. Kingston University is located in London, England.


Students who would like to explore other international opportunities should talk to their advisor or Student Services. Students may also gain international experience by participating in an International Field Experience over spring break or after classes have ended in May!


Study Abroad Costs

If you have financial aid, you can use your scholarships, grants, and/or loans toward the cost of study abroad. Winthrop's Financial Aid office can advise you about how to make the best use of your financial aid. Pay careful attention to the requirements for each scholarship. Winthrop's Office of Nationally Competitive Awards (ONCA) also helps students prepare applications for some scholarships.


Students who study at Deakin or Kingston pay regular Winthrop tuition, which covers the cost of tuition abroad. For information about other costs please see the Program Fact Sheets, which are available at Winthrop's Study Abroad Portal.  

For more information, or to begin planning your study abroad experience, please contact your advisor or schedule an appointment with a representative in Student Services. Information can also be found at the International Center for Winthrop University.