Student Services

Job Readiness and Placement

Individual Advising — Students will meet individually with a designated specialist for assistance on a variety of professional issues that are best addressed on an individual basis. Some areas may include: professional coaching, career-pathing, personal development, etc.

Career Series
— Students can attend lunch time meetings each month to hear from professionals in the field. The topics will be relevant for all business majors at all academic levels. 

Job Placement Assistance
— Students will receive assistance in identifying suitable employment after meeting the requirements as set forth by the program and demonstrating employment readiness.

Resume Assistance
— Students will receive assistance with resume preparation from the Center for Career Development and Internships.  Students can visit the Center for Career Development and Internships office for a resume critique during walk-in hours Monday - Friday from  11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon during the fall and spring semesters, or call 803/323-2141 to schedule an appointment.