Cultural Events

Attendance and Credit

Cultural Events Calendar

The official Cultural Events Calendar lists all of the events for the current semester.


Attendance Policy and Guidelines for Credit:

  1. Students must be on time and remain in attendance for the entire event. Arriving late to an event or leaving early can be disruptive to the program. Students who arrive late or leave early (whether in-person or virtual), including those who are dismissed, will not receive credit. While attending an event virtually, students must have their webcams on and be visible on their screen for the entire duration of the event to receive credit. 
  2. Students must have their Winthrop ID cards scanned before and after the event to receive credit for their attendance. Scanning will be done by the Cultural Event monitors at the entrance to the event area. Students who lose or misplace their IDs can ask the monitors for an attendance slip prior to the start of the event. Once the event begins, no attendance slips will be distributed.
  3. Students will receive only 1 credit for attending an event unless otherwise stated on the Cultural Events calendar. 
  4. Students may not earn more than half of their total number of required credits from a single event (e.g., a trip, conference, etc.).
  5. The Cultural Events calendar is updated on a regular basis. Events are subject to change or cancellation. Occasionally, events must be rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances. If an event is canceled or rescheduled, the calendar will be updated accordingly. No credit will be given for an event that does not take place.
  6. Students must arrive early in order to be guaranteed admittance to an event. If limited seating or space is available, admittance will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Students who are turned away will not receive credit for the event.
  7. Students may earn up to 10 credit (in total) for performing in Cultural Events sponsored by the College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA). These include, but are not limited to: theatre productions, dance performances, concerts and recitals, and art exhibitions. (Lists of performers are to be provided by the CVPA.) However, students are highly encouraged to earn credit for events in which they are not performing.
  8. Students who are new to classical music performances are encouraged to review the Welcome Guide for Classical Concerts (PDF - 62.0K) prior to attending a concert or recital.
  9. Once an event begins, no personal electronic devices may be used at any time during the program. Any student caught using personal electronic devices will be subject to removal from the event and will not be given credit for their attendance.

Code of Conduct

The following statement was developed by the University faculty and student leadership:

At Winthrop, we seek to cultivate a sense of responsibility grounded in our respect for one another, as both students and members of our larger communities. To that end, we ask all audience members to show their respect to the performers, presenters, and fellow audience members at this event by avoiding disruptive behavior, including the use of personal electronic devices during the performance, presentation, or discussion portions of this event. Any audience member unwilling to follow these expectations may be asked to leave the event. Students asked to leave an event will not receive Cultural Event credit for attending the event. [April 2019]