Cultural Events Petition Process

Instructions for Submitting a Cultural Events Petition

Please use the following instructions as a guide as you complete your Cultural Events petition. To view the instructions, select the type of petition you'd like to submit. There are four (4) types to choose from: 

    Students who attend off-campus events may be eligible to receive credit towards their Cultural Events requirement; however, these events must be similar in nature to those that would have been, or likely would be, approved as Cultural Events if they were held on campus. A list of suggested options for petitionable off-campus events can be found here.

    When petitioning for credit for off-campus events, please complete the follow steps:

    Step 1. 

    Complete the Cultural Events Petition Form (pdf - 331 KB) in its entirety. All areas must be completed on the petition form to be considered complete. 

    Step 2.

    Attach proof of attendance. A ticket stub/receipt is preferred. If there is no admission charge, a brochure with photo(s) of the student at the event may suffice (it must be clear in the photo(s) that you are, in fact, at the event).

    **The Cultural Events Committee does not accept videos as proof of attendance at this time. 

    Step 3.

    Compose and attach a well-written report (minimum of 250 words). The goal of attending any cultural event is to engage with a perspective vastly different from our own so that we may learn something new about the world around us. Students should include the following information and address the questions below in their write up: 

    • Describe the event itself (e.g. the type of event, who is speaking/performing/presenting, the location of the event, what happened during the event)
    • What is your personal reaction to the event? What are your impressions and/or thoughts?
    • How and why is the event a significant cultural learning experience for you? Why is it valuable?
    • What have you learned about the world around you by attending this event? How has your perspective changed?
    • What did you learn from this experience? How did you learn it? Why does it matter? 

    Remember, your purpose is to prove that you attended the event and that the event has been culturally valuable, so be certain to add specific details that are important and relevant (such as artist’s, actor’s, and/or speaker’s names; detailed descriptions of performances; and/or particularly meaningful moments). Set the scene for us by being specific. Take notes during the event so that you can accurately describe it later. Finally, be sure to proofread your report for errors in spelling and grammar.

    Format: MLA, 12-Point Font, Times New Roman

    Step 4. 

    Submit your completed petition form, proof of attendance, and write-up to be reviewed by the Cultural Events Committee at their next meeting. Petitions may be submitted by e-mail to or turned in as hard copies to the Office of Records and Registration at 126 Tillman Hall.

    Students can earn Cultural Event credit for travel experiences in the U.S. and abroad. Traveling to another U.S. state does not qualify as a Cultural Event. 

    Domestic travel should include a significant cultural component (e.g., visiting a national museum or historic site.) Although a trip to Yellowstone National Park or a cruise in the Bahamas might be interesting, it likely would not qualify as a Cultural Event.

    International travel may include student exchange programs. One or more credits may be granted for such travel experiences or in cases where the student has visited multiple countries. If credit is being sought simply for traveling in foreign countries, students may receive no more than one cultural event credit per country. Students, however, may seek more than one credit per country for specific cultural experiences; in such cases, the same criteria used to determine Cultural Event credit for experiences within the United States will be applied.

    When submitting a petition for travel experiences, please complete the follow steps:

    Step 1. 

    Complete the Cultural Events Petition Form (pdf - 331 KB) in its entirety. All areas must be completed on the petition form to be considered complete. 

    Step 2. 

    Attach proof of travel such as a plane ticket/receipt, boarding pass, or stamped passport. If you would like, you can submit a travel itinerary and photos to help supplement your petition (note: it must be clear in photos that you are, in fact, at the location).

    **The Cultural Events Committee does not accept videos as proof of attendance at this time. 

    Step 3. 

    Compose and attach a well-written report (minimum of 250 words). Describe in detail what you saw and did on your trip, especially those activities that were cultural in nature. For example, a report on a trip to Paris might include the following statements:

    "I visited the Cathedral de Notre dame, the Sacre Cour, and the Left Bank of the Seine. I also spent the afternoon at the Louvre Museum, where I saw The Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci and many other famous paintings. I found the architecture of the new pyramid addition to the museum quite fascinating. I was sure to note the differences in architecture compared to that of the United States as we walked to and from each destination. Later that evening, I attended a performance by the opera Carmen at the Paris Opera. It was such a beautiful experience that gave me a deeper appreciation for the performing arts."

    The rubric for assessing written reports is as follows. Students may, but are not necessarily guaranteed to, receive:

    + 1 credit for each country visited (for international travel only) 

    (You must submit proof of travel, such as photos, ticket stubs or receipts) 


    + 1 credit (total) for discussing the international cuisine (for international travel only) 

    (i.e., describe the food you ate abroad and how it relates to the culture[s] you visited)


    + 1 credit (total) for discussing your interactions with locals (for international travel only) 

    (i.e., did you take note of any cultural differences in your interactions with others?)


    + 1 credit for each culturally-distinct event attended

    (e.g., touring a national landmark or historical site, visiting an art museum, attending a theatrical production, etc. For these, you would need to include photos of yourself on site and, if there is an admission fee, provide a scanned copy or screenshot of your ticket/receipt.)
    Format: MLA, 12-Point Font, Times New Roman

    Step 4. 

    Submit your completed petition form, proof of attendance, and write-up to be reviewed by the Cultural Events Committee at their next meeting. Petitions may be submitted by e-mail to or turned in as hard copies to the Office of Records and Registration at 126 Tillman Hall.

    Students who have served in the military are eligible to receive Cultural Event credit for their experience. In order to receive credit, students must submit a military petition to the Cultural Events Committee. These petitions are reviewed on a case-by-case bases. Upon receiving a petition, the committee will assess the nature of the student's experience and determine how many credits the student should receive.

    A maximum of nine (9) credits may be awarded for this type of petition.

    When petitioning for credit for military experiences (for student veterans), please complete the follow steps:

    Step 1.

    Complete the Cultural Events Petition Form (pdf - 331 KB) in its entirety. All areas must be completed on the petition form to be considered complete. 

    Step 2.

    Compose and attach a well-written report (minimum of 250 words). This paper may be as many pages long as students feel is necessary to discuss their military experiences. Students may wish to include information about countries they visited, cultures they explored, and people they met while on active duty. In addition, students may wish to discuss their leisure time spent off-duty, including any recreation they took part in that may be considered culturally significant (e.g., dance performances, music recitals, museum tours, festivals, etc.). As proof of these leisure activities, students may include photos, ticket stubs/receipts, pamphlets and brochures, and other materials suchlike to supplement their petition.

    Note: Upon submission, your military service will be verified by the Veteran Benefits Coordinator. If your information is not on file, the Cultural Events Coordinator will be in contact with you to request the proper documentation.
    Format: MLA, 12-Point Font, Times New Roman

    Step 3.

    Submit your completed petition form, proof of attendance(if available), and write-up to be reviewed by the Cultural Events Committee at their next meeting. Petitions may be submitted by e-mail to or turned in as hard copies to the Office of Records and Registration at 126 Tillman Hall.

    Post-traditional students may submit a portfolio of culturally-relevant experiences that they underwent since high-school and prior to matriculation at Winthrop University.

    A portfolio is designed to illuminate those activities and life experiences that a student has had which are unrelated to their college experience. Consideration will be given for experiences such as travel (foreign or domestic), museum visits, and attendance at performances (e.g., theatrical productions, concerts and recitals, etc.) by professional, college, or community groups.

    In the case of transfer students, no consideration will be given for activities participated in or attended at another college while they were a student there. Allowance is already made for that by the reduction in the number of overall Cultural Event credits they must obtain at Winthrop University.

    Upon receiving a petition, the committee will assess the nature of the student's experience and determine how many credits the student should receive.

    When petitioning for credit for a portfolio of culturally related life experiences, please complete the follow steps:

    Step 1. 

    Complete the Cultural Events Petition Form (pdf - 331 KB) in its entirety. All areas must be completed on the petition form to be considered complete. 

    Step 2. 

    Attach proof of attendance and/or travel (if available) such as ticket stubs/receipts, boarding passes, stamped passports, pamphlets and brochures, photos, etc. 

    **The Cultural Events Committee does not accept videos as proof of attendance at this time. 

    Step 3.

    Compose and attach a well-written report (minimum of 250 words; 3+ pages recommended). Although the Cultural Events Committee does not necessarily expect a student to have proof of attendance and/or travel, they do expect to read a detailed report of the student's experiences. Therefore, students should include specific details in their paper (e.g., times, dates, and locations of events; names and descriptions of events; and their intake and experiences at the events). The purpose of this paper is to give the committee a clear understanding of the student's culturally relevant experiences, how they affected them, and some sense of their continuing commitment to such activities as a participant or audience member.
    Format: MLA, 12-Point Font, Times New Roman

    Step 4. 

    Submit your completed petition form, proof of attendance(if available), and write-up to be reviewed by the Cultural Events Committee at their next meeting. Petitions may be submitted by e-mail to or turned in as hard copies to the Office of Records and Registration at 126 Tillman Hall.

Purpose of a Cultural Events Petition

The purpose of the Cultural Event petition process is to allow students to receive Cultural Event credit for events (past or present) that are considered to be culturally significant. There are several different types of experiences that students can request Cultural Event credit for, including: off-campus events, travel experiences, and military experiences (student veterans).

Students may not earn more than one half of their total number of required Cultural Event credits through a single event (e.g. trip abroad, conference). There is no limit to how old these experiences may be; however, all experiences must be post high school.

Petitions may be submitted by e-mail to or turned in as hard copies to the Office of Records and Registration at 126 Tillman Hall. If you require assistance after reviewing the information on this page, please contact us.

In general, the following types of events will not be approved:

  • Public service announcements or general information sessions.

  • Traditional career and vocational education events (e.g., career fairs/networking events, professional development events, resume workshops, etc.).

  • Workshops and training sessions for everyday life skills (e.g., personal financing, time management, etc.).

  • Programs designed specifically for children. Events must be age-appropriate for college students.

  • Marketing events or events that serve primarily to promote a good or service (e.g., trade shows, fundraisers, political rallies, etc.). 

Review Dates

Petitions are reviewed by the Cultural Events Committee, which meets biweekly during the fall and spring semesters. In order to be reviewed at the next committee meeting, petitions must be submitted by the upcoming deadline. Any petitions submitted after the deadline will be automatically rolled over to be reviewed at the next meeting date. 

      Tuesday, August 8

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, August 4 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, August 22

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, August 18 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, September 5

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, September 1 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, September 19

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, September 15 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, October 3

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, September 29 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, October 10

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, October 6 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, October 31

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, October 27 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, November 14

      (Submission Deadline: Tuesday, November 10 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, November 28

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, November 24 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, December 12

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, December 8 at 5:00 p.m.) 


      Tuesday, January 9

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, January 5 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, January 23

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, January 19 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, February 6

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, February 2 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, February 20

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, February 16 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, March 5

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, March 1 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, March 19

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, March 15 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, April 2

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, March 29 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, April 16

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, April 12 at 3:00 p.m.)

      Tuesday, April 30

      (Submission Deadline: Friday, April 26 at 5:00 p.m.)


Decision of Petition

In all cases, once a petition is approved or denied by the Cultural Events Committee, the Cultural Events Coordinator will notify the student and will enter the approved petition(s) into the student's record. The Office of Records and Registration keeps the complete petition on file for one year. After that, reports and supporting materials will be discarded, and a copy of the petition form itself is all that is retained permanently. If you submit materials that you wish to have returned, please mark these clearly with your name and with "return" and make sure you come back to the Office of Records and Registration to claim them.

Appealing a Decision

A student reserves the right to appeal a decision made by the Cultural Events Committee. Students may request to appeal a petition decision to the Cultural Events Coordinator. The coordinator will assist the student to begin the appeal process.

Note: Students may not earn more than one half of their total number of required Cultural Event credits through a single event (e.g. trip abroad, conference). It should be noted and strongly emphasized that failure to attain the approval of the Cultural Events Committee does not reflect upon the quality or the validity of any event, nor the committee's support for the program being presented, only its relevance to the specific goals of the cultural events requirement. For clarification or questions about submitting a petition, contact the Cultural Events CoordinatorThe Cultural Events Committee reserves the right to award less than full Cultural Event credit to students if they feel that the student would benefit from exposure to on-campus Cultural Event programming or if it feels that these experiences represent a rather narrow focus and wishes to encourage them to broaden their experiences.