Application Process Online Application Form

Last Name:

First Name:

Middle Name:

Preferred Name:

Student Email Address:


Home Address:
Apt. #:



Zip Code:

When considering the parent you live with currently, does that parent hold a bachelor's degree?

All students wanting to be considered for an Eagle STEM Scholarship must complete a FAFSA. When you completed your FAFSA, what was the expected family contribution (EFC)?

Do you have scores from the SAT/ACT? If so, what was the math portion of the score?

Please list the 5 most advanced science and math courses you have taken or are currently taking:

Discuss your academic and career goals. Where do you envision yourself in the future? Do you expect to earn an advanced degree? Please give details:

List and describe 3 to 5 of your scholarly/academic achievements. This could include honors, awards, academic clubs, research, publication, poster presentation, conference presentation, etc.:

List three extracurricular activities you are involved in and describe your involvement, including how you balanced these activities with your academic requirements. This could include volunteering, extracurricular clubs, community service, etc.:

Eagle STEM strongly encourages all incoming freshmen to attend a 6 week summer bridge program on campus. Are you willing to commit to attending this program?

How did you hear about our program?
If other, please explain:

Upload your headshot:
NOTE: Your submitted file must be a .JPG or .JPEG ONLY and must be less than 4MB.