Post Office

About Us

The mission of the Winthrop University Post Office is to provide its users with the information needed to process outgoing mail in the most timely and cost-effective service available. In addition, we are responsible for the distribution of all incoming USPS and interdepartmental mail  to faculty, staff, and students. We are also responsible for processing outgoing mail for all departments on campus.

The Winthrop Post office is also available to all persons affiliated with Winthrop, both as faculty, staff, and students, and also to serve the local community with their personal postal needs.

The Winthrop Post Office is a contract station of the Federal Post Office. As a contract station, we perform all services offered by the Federal Post Office except COD's, passports, next day express, and the use of credit or debit cards for charges. We can charge back the cost of postage stamps for department, simply by having the purchaser fill out a petty cash slip, and we will charge their departments account. Please refer to this Web site for any questions concerning mail procedures. Updates to the site will be made as appropriated by the USPS and Winthrop University.