Post Office

Student Information

Welcome to the Winthrop University Post Office information guide. Your University Post Office is located on the ground floor of the DiGiorgio Center. We are a USPS contract station offering, with a few exceptions, all the services that can be obtained through a USPS postal window.

After-Hour Handling of Parcel or Mail Requiring a Signature

If you are unable to retrieve mail that either needs to be signed for, or, is too large for your P.O. Box during our window hours, you may have someone pick up your mail. Inform us by e-mail who will be picking up your mail. They must have your package slip and their picture ID. They can pick-up your item for you unless the item has Restricted Delivery that requires your signature only. A call to the Post Office at 803/323-2293 will help us make arrangements to get your special-handled mail to you.

Problems With Your Mail Service

If at anytime during the school year you feel there is a problem with the handling of your mail, please don't hesitate to come to the Post Office window and let us help you pinpoint and correct the problem. If a piece of mail in mistakenly placed in your P.O. Box, please either drop it in the Campus Mail slot, or, bring it to the Post Office window so we can give it proper handling. Please remember mishandling of mail is a federal offense.

Please don't hesitate to give us an opportunity to assist you with any of your postal related questions. Either come to our window in Digorgio Center, e-mail the director at, or contact us at 803/323-2293.

Window Service and Delivery Times

The Post Office window is opened for business Monday through Friday. The hours are 7:30 am until 3:15 pm. We leave the window open an additional 10 minutes, from 3:15 until 3:25 for additional parcel pick up service, but we cannot conduct postal business in this time period.

P.O. Box users can expect their letter mail to be boxed by 10:00 am. Parcels arrive at different times throughout the day and they are boxed as soon as they are processed. Upon processing, an e-mail will be sent to you. You may pick up your parcel as soon as you receive your e-mail and retrieve your notice from your box. Our last delivery for independent parcel services, such as UPS and Fed Ex, is usually between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm.