Post Office



If you move off campus, it is your responsibility to update your personal information in Wingspan with your new, alternative address.  If you do not update your personal information in Wingspan, your mail will be forwarded to the address we have in the system, which is usually your permanent address. Please be aware that your Winthrop Post Office Box cannot be changed in Wingspan and you cannot use your P.O. Box number as a local or permanent address.

Please let us know that you have moved off-campus so we are made aware of your move and can release your box for reassignment. Also, at the end of each semester, if you do not plan on returning to Winthrop the following semester, please inform us so that we can free your box for reassignment. If you forget to stop by and inform the Winthrop Post Office that you have moved off-campus, you may go to your local United States Post Office and obtain a change of address form, fill it out, and mail it to the Post Office here at Winthrop, addressed to Postmaster, Rock Hill, SC 29733. 


Non-resident students may not be assigned a Winthrop Post Office Box. All other postal services are available to non-resident students, faculty, and staff.