Residence Hall Move-Out:

Below is very important information and instructions regarding residence hall closing.

General Closing Information

Undergraduate residents must leave their residence hall within 24 hours following the last final exam, with all undergraduates required to leave by 9:00 AM on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Graduating seniors must move out by 7:00 PM, Saturday, May 4, 2024. 

Meal hours for graduating seniors will be sent out closer to graduation.


Checking Out of Your Residence Hall

Resident Assistants will be hosting mandatory floor meetings to review the expectations for residents regarding their residence hall check out. You are expected to clean your room and bathroom (where applicable) and dispose of trash to the dumpster outside your residence hall. You are also encouraged to submit a work request at the hall office for any damages or repairs that need to occur. Empty, defrost your MicroFridge, and clean up standing water (condensation). Leave the doors ajar for ventilation.

Before you depart, you will need to return your room key. Failure to return your room key will result in a key recore charge applied to your Winthrop account.

Moving Out of your Residence Hall

When moving out of the residence halls at the end of the spring semester, or at any time when withdrawing from the University, please do the following:

  • Change your address with Records and Registration Office, 126 Tillman Hall, and with the Post Office, Ground Floor, DiGiorgio Campus Center or via Wingspan.
  • Please follow check out procedures for your residence hall.
  • Clean Room/Bathroom/Microfridge (There is a $50 fine if this is not done) if applicable.
  • Remove all of your belongings.
  • Return your key before you leave to avoid a lost key or improper checkout charge.
  • If you have lost your key, please notify your hall office as you depart from campus.

Loft Buy-Back

If you purchased a loft bed from TimberNest, at the beginning of the academic year, TimberNest will return to campus to buy-back lofts on April 21, 2024 from 12-2 pm and April 22, 2024 from 9-11 am at the loading dock of Dalton Hall. For other questions regarding lofts please click here or contact John JT Timmons,