About Orientation Counselors

The Heart & Soul of TRiO CONNECT

At the heart of TRiO CONNECT are the TRiO Orientation Counselors (OCs). These TRiO student leaders are central to the development of community within the TRiO CONNECT program. Over the course of the 2-day program, OCs facilitate small group discussions and activities to encourage new members to get to know one another and explore expectations of the college experience. Lasting relationships are formed and strong bonds are developed between our OCs and the newest members of the TRiO family.

2024 Important Dates

  • February 5th: OC Applications Available
  • Febraury 16th: 5PM DEADLINE To Submit Application And Set Up Online Interview
  • February 19th-23rd: Orientation Counselor Interviews
  • February 23rd-24th: Leadership Retreat
  • March 1st: OC Celebration
  • April 13th: Mandatory Charlotte FC Fundraiser
  • August 11th-16th: Week of OC Training and CONNECT Program
  • OC Partner/Group Activity (TBD)

OC Student Directors

Emily Bailey and Brandon Proper

Position Description

Your role as an Orientation Counselor: 

  • Welcome incoming TRiO participants 
  • Assist students during move-in process; participants move in August 14, 2024 (8AM) 
  • Facilitate small and large group discussions
  • Serve on panel of student leaders
  • Help plan events/participate in team building
  • Stay connected with your Orientation group throughout their first semester!!

Benefits to this role: 

  • Move in early; OCs will check-in August 11, 2024
  • Gaining invaluable leadership experience (great on resume!) 
  • TRiO CONNECT and Student Leader T-shirts and backpack (free gifts) 
  • Strong connections with the TRiO family and staff

Expectations of you: 

  • Be present and on-time at each day/every event of the program (overnight stays must be in Rock Hill) 
  • Attend ALL mandatory Spring events
  • Respect and adhere to all policies, deadlines, and timelines set by Student Directors
  • Positive attitude and ability to take instruction well

Requirements to apply: 

  • You must have a 2.5 or higher GPA when applying to be an Orientation Counselor 
  • Applications are due on Feb 16th by 5:00PM  
  • Participate in an OC interview Feb 19th-23rd

Once your application is received, you will receive an e-mail from the OC Student Directors with an embedded link. Through this link, you will select an interview time that best suits your availability. 

  • If you fail to sign up online, then you will not be granted an interview.