Environmental Sciences and Studies


Internships are available and often serve as stepping stones to employment and entry into professional careers. Although internships are not required for graduation, they are encouraged. Students can earn up to three hours of credit toward their environmental degrees. Internships are available at a variety of institutions and corporations in the area.

Students must make their own arrangements for internships in consultation with the Program Chair. Plan ahead and be persistent. Once you find an internship, you will need permission from the Program Chair to register. Then be sure to consult the syllabus to be sure you understand the goals, expectations and deadlines. Within the first few days of the internship, the learning agreement needs to be filed with the Chair of Environmental Sciences and Studies. Internships are most often taken as a 1 or 3 credit hour class depending on the amount of time spent on the job (example syllabus (pdf - 84KB)).   At least 50 hours of work must be logged to academic credit. 

Leads on internships are distributed to environmental majors through their advisors. Additional sources of internships can be found below.

Learning Agreement

Final Reflective paper:  a sample outline