World Languages and Cultures

Study Abroad

Programs Offered by the Department

Individuals who participate in study abroad programs gain invaluable language and culture immersion and get a sense of what it means to be a part of a global community. Winthrop University offers students, faculty, and staff numerous opportunities to study abroad in order to promote international education and research. If you are interested in studying abroad, you can choose from programs offered by the International Center or from the Department of World Languages and Cultures summer programs.  Information about summer programs offered by members of the World Languages and Cultures Department will be posted here as it becomes available.

Many of our faculty are interested in leading study abroad trips over the next few years. If you are interested in participating in a faculty-led study abroad experience, please contact our Administrative Specialist. We want to make sure our students have the opportunity to take their language learning outside the classroom and experience the parts of the world they find interesting. 

Programs Offered by Other Organizations

In addition to programs offered by the Department of World Languages & Cultures, students have the opportunity to participate in programs offered by third-party organizations. Eligibility, length of program, and languages offered may vary across programs, but your language professor and the International Center can help you find the right program for you. 

Here are a few programs we encourage students to explore: (hard copy brochures are available in Kinard 220)

French Only

Dakar, Senegal
French Minors who have also received a Pell Grant are eligible for up to $4,500 in scholarships to study abroad in Dakar, Senegal . For more information, please review the program flyer or contact the Study Abroad Office

CIDEF (Centre International d'Études Franaises) in Angers, France

Campus France USA offered by the French Embassy in the United States
(For more information, see the full program brochure)

The HSS Chateaubriand Fellowship offered by the French Embassy in the United States

Teaching Assistant Program in France offered by the French Ministry of Education and the French Embassy

Vistas in Education French Immersion Program 

Spanish Only

Sigma Delta Pi (various programs and awards for members of the Spanish Honor Society)

Institute of Spanish Language and Culture

Don Quijote (full brochure available in Kinard 220)

Spanish Studies Abroad offered by The Center for Cross-Cultural Study (full brochure available in Kinard 220)