World Languages and Cultures

Career Opportunities

Teaching & Research

Approximately 100,000 people in this country work in the field of foreign language teaching. Over two-thirds teach in Jr. & Sr. High Schools, and the rest in colleges and universities, elementary schools, and commercial and government operated language schools. The greatest number teach Spanish, followed by French, German, Latin, Chinese, Portuguese, and Japanese.

In addition, a substantial number teach English to those who speak other languages as their native tongue. The teaching of English to speakers of other languages also offers expanding opportunities for employment abroad in government, academic, and volunteer programs. Still others teach in bilingual education programs, usually at the elementary level where students whose native language is not English, and who follow a regular academic program in both their native language and English. A large number of bilingual preschool centers also have been established, employing bilingual teachers qualified in early childhood education.

Students majoring in Spanish or French could choose to go to graduate school in order to earn a Master's or Doctoral degree in language-related domains, such as literature, linguistics, or education. With a Ph.D., you would have the opportunity to be a professor of Spanish or French at a college or university! Not looking to go that far? Consider Winthrop's MAT program!

Hanbali, Saba

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