World Languages and Cultures

Career Opportunities

Travel & Tourism

Transportation Companies

Airlines, railroads, bus, and ship lines need bilingual personnel to deal with foreign passengers and to serve Spanish-speaking or other ethnic groups within the United States. Job titles include: Flight Attendants, Reservation and Sales Agents, Flight Announcers, Information Clerks, and Ground Hosts and hostesses.

Hotels and Motels

Desk clerks, telephone operators, information staff administrators, hosts and hostesses - all can provide better service to visitors from abroad and enhance their employer's reputation by knowing a foreign language. Hotels and convention centers are becoming more aware of these needs, especially in areas that receive many foreign visitors like N.Y. City, Niagara Falls, Disney World, Washington, D.C., and the West Coast.


As the influx of foreign visitors to America continues, guided excursion tours will require personnel with language skills. Many such excursions and tours are now being sold as part of package arrangements for tourists from abroad, just as they are for American tourists traveling overseas. There is a need not only for people to accompany the foreign visitors, but also for bilingual guides on sightseeing excursions in cities and to tourist attractions, museum guides, and hosts and hostesses at resorts such as Disneyland, Williamsburg, and the many "theme parks" that have been developed.