Julia H. Post Lecture

The Julia H. Post Lecture was established in 1984 to honor Miss Julia H Post, Chair of the Department of Physical Education at Winthrop for 30 years. Miss Post came to Winthrop in 1932, expecting to spend a few years here, and retired in 1962. To many PEMs of the "Post Era", Miss Post and Physical Education were synonymous.

She made an effort to bring nationally known leaders in the field of physical education to campus so that students had opportunities for interaction with them. She loaded all the students who could fit into her car and took them to professional conferences and made sure they me the people there. It was because of such efforts that alumnae and colleagues thought a lecture in her name would be a fitting tribute and provide opportunities to continue bringing leaders in the field to Winthrop.

When Miss Post retired in 1962, she left a legacy of a dynamic undergraduate physical education program, a reputation that continues to this day. During her 26 years of retirement prior to her death in 1988, she continued to have a positive impact on physical education in South Carolina and at Winthrop. This lecture series was established by her former students, friends, and colleagues.

1984 Linda Bunker - Dr. Bunker serves as Chairperson of Physical Education at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville where she has been instrumental in building the department into a nationally recognized one. Dr. Bunker is eminently qualified to initiate this series, having received the Outstanding Alumna Award from the University of Illinois, Outstanding Teacher Award from the University of Virginia, and the Mabel Lee Young Professional Award given by AAHPERD.

1985 Clifford Lewis - Dr. Clifford G. Lewis was formerly Associate Dean for Instruction in the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences at the University of Georgia at Athens where she completed her undergraduate degree. She has had an outstanding career in physical education, and her talents as a leader were recognized first by her selection as chairperson of physical education at Georgia and later as Associate Dean in the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences, a post from which she retired in January of this year. She is the author of a number of articles, books, and monographs. Perhaps part of her success can be attributed to her "training" at Winthrop under Miss Post when she served as a young instructor in the Winthrop Physical Education Department.

1986 Mary Sue McElveen - As a student at Winthrop College, Mary Sue Britton was SGA treasurer, Senior Class president, Senior Order Chair, and coordinator of a dance band. She graduated with a B.S. degree in physical education and was listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

The leadership she demonstrated as a student has been visible in her many activities since her college days. Mrs. McElveen was twice elected as President of the Winthrop College Alumni Association and served on the Executive Board for 12 years. In Lake City Presbyterian Church, she served as historian, vocational guidance counselor, circle chair, Sunday School teacher and held district and state offices in the women's church groups. She currently chairs the Lake City Board of Directors of the Citizens and Southern National Bank of South Carolina.

In 1970, Winthrop Alumni elected her to the Winthrop College Board of Trustees and, in 1974, she was re-elected by the South Carolina Legislature. She has served continuously since 1970 and was elected chair in 1985.

Mary Sue McElveen has given abundantly of her time and energy to her Alma Mater. She exemplifies those distinctive qualities of the mind and the heart that Winthrop seeks to develop in all its students.

1987 Paula Welch

1988 Paula Welch

1989 Jean Mundy - Dr. Jean Mundy is a professor and department head of Human Services and Studies at Florida State University. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in recreation from FSU and her Ed. D. from Columbia University. She was assistant professor of special education and health at Winthrop from 1969-72. Her interests include leisure services, recreation, special education and health.

Dr. Mundy is very active in the recreation and leisure services area, having served as president of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators. She is much in demand as a consultant in the United States and abroad. Her most recent consultation services have been with the departments of Navy, Interior, and Defense, as well as with Walt Disney World. She has made presentations in 14 countries and currently is doing recreation training with the U.S. Air force at 26 bases.

In addition, Dr. Mundy has had grants funded in excess of $1.5 million and has had numerous articles and books published. We welcome Dr. Jean Mundy back to Winthrop to deliver this fifth address in the Post Lecture Series.

1989 Judith Wilkins Rose

1990 Jerry Thomas - Dr. Jerry Thomas is professor and chair of the Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Dr. Thomas received a B.A. from Furman University and an M.A. and Ed. D. from the University of Alabama. He is an active professional and has taught at the elementary, junior college and university levels. He has been a participant, coach and director of athletics.

Dr. Thomas is an author, having written seven books, contributed chapters in at least twelve others and has had more than one hundred articles published. He served as editor of the Research Quarterly of the AAHPERD for six years. He is a renowned researcher, having garnered more than a half million dollars in grants. Dr. Thomas is a Fellow in the Research Consortium of AAHPERD.

He has a variety of interests and his thirst for knowledge makes him well educated in many areas. He is among the foremost authorities in the U.S. on youth sports. Hs is president-elect of the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Currently he is the Alliance Scholar of AAHPERD. We welcome Dr. Thomas to deliver the sixth annual Julia H. Post lecture.

1991 Ronald Hyatt

1991 S - Ronald Hyatt

1991 F - Judith Wilkins Rose

1992 Patsy Crockett Boroviak -Patsy Boroviak is an assistant professor of Human Performance and Sport Studies and coordinator of the graduate assistantship programs at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. A native of Wytheville, Virginia, Mrs. Boroviak earned her B.S. degree in health and physical education at the University of Tennessee, began her teaching career at Armstrong College in Georgia, returned to her alma matter to earn a master's degree and continued teaching at UT.

Ms. Boroviak has been an active member and leader in numerous professional associations including the National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education, the Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, the Tennessee Women's Golf Association, Pi Lambda Theta and the Southern Association for Physical Education of College Women.

She has made presentations related to teaching, college physical education programs, graduate assistantships and dance. Her numerous publications include co-authorship of books on fitness, recreational dance and games for children. Her honors include the TAHPERD Professional Honor Award, the NASPE Distinguished Achievement Award, an

SAPECW Presidential Citation and the University of Tennessee's Alumni outstanding Teacher Award, the Phillips Professional Service Award and the Brady Teaching Award, both given in the School of Human Performance and Sport Studies at Tennessee.

1993 Robert Jenkins - Robert T, "Bob" Jenkins currently holds the position of head track and cross country coach and counselor at northwestern High School. Last summer he was named to the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association Hall of Fame. His coaching experience includes football, basketball, track and cross country with emphasis on the last two. He has been at northwestern High School since 1971 and has been named regional Track Coach of the Year 14 times, regional Cross Country Coach of the Year 10 times, S.C. Track Coach of the Year 6 times, S.C. Cross Country Coach of the year 4 times, National Track Coach of the Year, and National Cross Country Coach of the Year. He spearheaded the development of cross country in the state, founded the S.C. Track and Cross Country Association, and was selected as a National Team Coach in 1981 and 1982.

1994 Joan Cronan - Joan Cronan currently holds the position of Women's Athletic Director at the University of Tennessee. Under Cronan's leadership, the program at Tennessee has gained recognition as one of the premiere women's athletic programs in the country. Her ten years as leader of the Vols have been marked by outstanding achievements throughout the program, including the three national titles for the Lady Vols' basketball teams.

In addition to the success of the teams in her program, Cronan has received numerous personal recognitions and has been cited for her leadership throughout the Knoxville Community. She serves on the boards of Children's Hospital, YMCA, and Dogwood Arts. she is a deacon in the Central Baptist Church and a former president of the Executive Women's Association. Cronan has served on numerous NCAA committees and was appointed to the 14-member executive committee of the NCAA.

Prior to returning to the University of Tennessee in 1983, where she had previously coached women's basketball for two years, she spent 12 years at the College of Charleston, first as tennis coach, later as basketball coach, and finally as director of women's athletics. She was responsible for the development of the women's program at the College of Charleston and was active in the leadership of women's sports development at South Carolina.

Joan Cronan completed her B.S. and M.S. degrees in physical education at Louisiana State University. She and her husband tom have two daughters who have recently graduated from the University of Tennessee.

1995 John Smyth- Recently became the Director of the United States Olympic Committee at the Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center. From 1966 to 1994 he held a number of positions at the Citadel ranging from a Professor, the Deputy Director of the Citadel Summer Camp for Boys, and the Department Head of the Health and Physical Education Department.

In 1971, Dr. Smyth received his P.E.D. in Physical Education from Indiana University. He earned his M.S. and B.S. degrees in Physical Education from Indiana State University.

Dr. Smyth has been a member of SCAHPERD since 1968, and has served this professional association in many capacities during his career. In 1982, Dr. Smyth received the prestigious SCAHPERD honor award. Phi Delta Kappa presented him the chapter award for Leadership and Service in 1976. He is a lifetime member of AAHPERD and NIRSA and has held many leadership positions in these groups.

1996 Lynne Gaskin - After completing her undergraduate degree at Wesleyan College in Georgia and teaching high school physical education, Dr. Gaskin left teaching to return to school at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She completed both master's and doctoral degrees there and accepted a faculty position. After 24 years, she returned to Georgia as Chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education at the State University of West Georgia.

Dr. Gaskin has been recognized as a distinguished teacher with particular strengths in the areas of golf, aquatics, curriculum, administration, research and legal issues. She has published extensively and is contributing author to two recent books, Sport law of School Managers and Sport at Risk: Issues and Strategies.

Dr. Gaskin is a member of 15 professional associations and has held leadership roles in most of them. She just completed a term as president of the Southern Academy of Women in Physical activity, Sport, and health and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for the Study of Legal Issues in Sport and Physical Activity.

1997 Hally B.W. Poindexter - is known as one of the most dedicated, distinguished, and productive professionals in her field. She has taught elementary physical education, coached and taught at the college level, and served as an administrator in higher education.

Her active involvement and visionary leadership have been recognized by honor awards from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance at state, regional and national levels and by the National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education. She has receive numerous other honors and awards.

Dr. Poindexter's impressive record of scholarship includes books in teaching physical education activities and coaching women's sports. She has numerous publications in professional journals and has received funding for a number of grants.

She leads by example in teaching, leadership and scholarship.

1998 Ralph E. "Buck" Jones - completed his undergraduate degree at Fairmont (WV) State College. He was awarded his master's degree from West Virginia University and his doctoral degree from the University of Tolego. Dr. Jones has held positions at Lucas High School in Ohio, the University of Wisconsin, and is presently Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee.

Dr. Jones is a distinguished speaker who has been invited to give lectures across the United States and in Scotland and Korea. He also has an array of articles published in well known journals such as Palastra, Science and Golf, and Scholastic Coach.

Dr. Jones has been the Executive Director of the Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance since 1996. In addition, he is an active member of numerous other associations and committees. Dr. Jones has been recognized as a distinct leader in the field of Physical Education through various awards and honors. among his numerous honors was his selection in 1996 as Community Hero Olympic Torchbearer. He is the recipient of the University of Tennessee National Alumni Award for Public Service, the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences Advising Award, and the TAHPERD Honor Award.

1999 John Paul Muczko - completed his undergraduate degree at Florida State University. He was awarded his master's degree from the University of Kansas. Dr. Muczko has held positions at Palm Beach Junior College in Florida, Louisiana Tech University, and is presently an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Shenandoah University.

Dr. Muczko is a distinguished speaker who has been invited to give lectures and seminars across the United States and Canada. He also has articles published in both national and state journals. He is included in the registries of sport psychologists for both the United States Olympic Committee and the National Football League.

An active member of several organizations including the American Psychological Association, the International Society of sport Psychology, and AAHPERD, he also is a certified consultant of the Association for the Advancement of applied Sport Psychology. Dr. Muczko has been recognized as a distinct leader in the field of Physical Education through various awards and honors. He has received the Excellence in Substance Abuse Education Award, the Student Government Association Outstanding Faculty Service Award, and the Student Government Association Advisor of the Year Award, all from Shenandoah University.

2000 Lauren J. Lieberman - completed her undergraduate degree at West Chester University. She was awarded her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin - Lacrosse and her doctoral degree from Oregon State University. Dr. Lieberman has held positions at Oregon State University and is presently an Associate Professor of Adapted Physical Education at SUNY Brockport.

Dr. Lieberman is a distinguished speaker who has been invited to give lectures and workshops across the United States and Canada. Dr. Lieberman has written several books and co-authored chapters in others. She also has articles published in both national and state journals.

A member of several organizations including The International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, The national Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities, and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Dr. Lieberman has been recognized as a leader in the field of adapted physical education through various honors and awards. She received the Outstanding Program Award for Camp Abilities; a developmental sports camp for children with disabilities, and the International Federation of Adapted Physical Education Elly D. Friedman Award.

2001 Karl Rohnke is a graduate of Washington and Lee University; Lexington, VA. He was one of the founders of Project Adventure in Hamilton, MA, and the High 5 Adventure Learning Center in Brattleboro, VT, where he currently resides and works. He has authored over 18 adventure curriculum books including Silver Bullets, Cowstails & Cobras, and the Funn Stuff series. Most recently he presented the Kurt Hahn address at the A.E.E. International Conference in Tucson, AZ.

2002 Russell R. Pate, a native of upstate New York, was educated at Springfield College (B.S., 1968) and the University of Oregon (M.S., 1973; Ph.D., 1974). In 1974 he joined the faculty of the University of South Carolina where he now serves as Professor in the Department of Exercise Science and Associate Dean for Research in the School of Public Health. During leaves of absence from the University of South Carolina, he has held positions at the University of Virginia and the Medical College of Georgia.

Pate is an exercise physiologist with interests in physical activity and physical fitness in children and the health implications of physical activity. He has published more than 140 scholarly papers and has authored or edited five books. His research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Heart Association, and several private foundations and corporations. He heads a research team that currently is supported by more than two million dollars per year in federal and other funding.

Pate has served in several leadership positions with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and in 1993-94 served as that organization's president. He is a past-president of the National Coalition on Promoting Physical Activity. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education, and he has served since 1988 as an appointed member of the South Carolina Governor's Council on Physical Fitness. In 1996 he received the Citation Award from the American College of Sports Medicine, and in 1999 he received the Alliance Scholar Award of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

A lifelong distance runner, Pate completed in three U.S. Olympic Trials marathons and twice placed among the top ten finishers in the Boston Marathon. For more than 20 years he served as president of the Carolina Marathon Association, which hosted the U.S. Olympic Trials: Women's Marathon in both 1996 and 2000.

2003 Greg Dale, an Associate Professor and Sport Psychology Consultant at Duke University . As a professor Greg teaches and conducts research in the areas of Sport Psychology and Sport ethics. As a sport psychology consultant, Greg helps coaches and athletes reach their full potential by helping them develop systematic approaches to the mental aspects of performance. In addition to his work with athletes and coaches at Duke, Greg consults with coaches and athletes in professional football, soccer, baseball, golf, track and field, and tennis.

Greg is a former middle and high school coach in New York City and San Antonio, Texas . He has conducted over two hundred workshops with coaches and athletes from a variety of high schools and colleges across the country and Mexico . He is the coauthor of the book, "The Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches: How to Unlock and Unleash Your Team's Full Potential." He is a certified sport psychology consultant by the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology and is a member of the sport psychology staff for USA Track and Field.

Before his move to Duke University , Greg was an Associate Professor at Winthrop for six years. He was instrumental in writing the curriculum that brought a Sport Management Program. He also started the CHAMPS Life Skills program in Athletics.

2005 Dr. Carol Oglesby is chair of the Department of Kinesiology at California State Northridge and Interim Director of the Center of Achievement for Adaptive Physical Activity. Dr. Oglesby received her PhD in Physical Education from Purdue University in 1969 and earned a second PhD in Counseling from Temple University in 1999. Her service to women in sport is extensive. She was the Inaugural President, Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women, 1971-72; President National Association of Girls and Women in Sport, 1977-78; President Women's Sport International, 1997- present, and served as a Trustee of the Women's Sports Foundation, 1991-1997. She has served on numerous international committees including the International Working Group on Women and Sport 1998-2002, and the United States Olympic Committee, Board of Directors, 1992-1996.

Dr. Oglesby's honors and recognitions include the AIAW Award of Merit; NAGWS Honor Fellow; Women Sports Foundation Billie Jean King Award; American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Honor Award; AAHPERD R. Tait McKenzie Award; AAHPERD Charles. D. Henry Award; The American Psychological Association Div 47 Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Phillip Noel Baker Research Award, ICSSPE. She is a charter member of the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

Her publication record is extensive and includes over 50 chapters, articles and monographs and edited texts such as: Women and sport: From myth to reality, 1978; The encyclopedia of women and sport in America, 1998; Black women and sport, 1979; and a special issue of Women & Therapy: Constructing exercise and sport as therapeutic modalities. For over thirty years, Dr. Oglesby has provided leadership to women in sport on both the national and international stage. She was on the frontlines of the battle for Title IX implementation, has written copiously on women in sport, and has dedicated her career to providing women throughout the world opportunities for physical activity.

2005 Mr. C. Frank Randall, III, ATC is in his 34th year with the Iowa State University Athletics Department. He is currently the Assistant Athletics Director for Operations. In this capacity, he oversees Athletics Department buildings and grounds, including coordinating the schedule for the Bergstrom Indoor Football Facility. He also oversees the operations of the Feldman Athletic Care Center, the ISU Sports Medicine Clinic and the athletics strength and conditioning facility. He is in charge of team travel for football and men's and women's basketball. He also serves as the Athletics Department liaison to the Iowa State University Campus Facilities Planning and Management Department and he has special responsibility during athletic related construction projects.

Mr. Randall spent 28 years as the Head Men's Athletic Trainer at Iowa State University (1970-98). During his tenure in that role, he was integral to the professional development of many undergraduate athletic training students, graduate assistant athletic trainers and assistant athletic trainers. His protégés are in every level of athletic training from high school to major college to professional sports. Prior to employment at Iowa State, Mr. Randall was the Head Athletic Trainer at New Mexico State University (1961-65), New Mexico Military Institute (1965-69) and Idaho University (1969-70). He also has experience coaching baseball and basketball. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics from New Mexico State University in 1962 and his Master of Arts in Physical and Safety Education from Western New Mexico University in 1965.

Mr. Randall has worked extensively to develop the athletic training profession. He has served on the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Board of Directors and as the Vice President of the organization. His hard work and his excellence as an athletic trainer have been recognized by his peers. He was inducted into the prestigious NATA Hall of Fame in 1991 and into the Mid-America Athletic Trainers' Association Hall of Fame in 1995. This year (2005) he was inducted into the Iowa Athletic Training Society's Hall of Honor.

2007 Dr. Judith Rink is a professor in the Department of Physical Education at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. She has published numerous books, research and articles related to effective teaching of physical education. She has been an editor of both the Journal for Teaching Physical Education and the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport and is on the editorial board of Quest. Dr. Rink was the chairperson of the committee to develop the first national content standards for physical education and has been the recipient of the NASPE Hall of Fame Award, the Curriculum and Instruction Academy Honor Award and the American Education Association Special Interest Group Outstanding Scholar Honor Award. She is currently the program director the South Carolina Physical Education Assessment Program and is working with the National Association for Physical Education and Sport to develop performance indicators and assessment materials for the national standards.

2008 Mr. Michael Veeck is an internationally known promoter of sports. He is a sought-after speaker with years of successful sport marketing and promotions experience. His marketing expertise has been documented in such diverse publications as the Sports Business Journal and Sports Illustrated. Mr. Veeck comes from a family of baseball sports teams owners and promoters. A few of the more noted baseball sports stories are a result of the Veeck family. His father, Hall of Famer Bill Veeck, once sent a midget to bat in a major league baseball game. Another legendary Veeck promotion - the outrageous Disco Demolition Night resulted in a riot in Chicago's Comiskey Park. Mr. Veeck will share his stories and experiences as a successful baseball owner, promoter and marketer.

2009 Dr. David Bassett, Jr. Main research interest is measuring physical activity and energy expenditure in humans, especially with objective methods (as opposed to questionnaires). He has conducted a number of studies on the validity and reliability of pedometers, accelerometers, and heart rate monitors, in order to improve on existing methods of assessing physical activity in free-living people. In many of these studies, respiratory gas exchange is used to measure calorie expenditure.

Dr. Bassett has used pedometers to measure walking activity in different populations. He and his students have collected data on groups ranging from school children to sedentary, middle-aged adults to Amish farmers. They are exploring the relationships of pedometer-determined values of "steps per day" to body weight, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular risk factors. A number of studies conducted in his laboratory have examined the benefits of walking and swimming for weight loss, blood pressure reduction, and glucose tolerance.

He serves on the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) board of trustees, and on the editorial board of three journals (Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, and Research Digest).

Dr. Bassett obtained the Bachelor of Science degree from Oberlin College (1981), the M.S. degree from Ball State University (1983), and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1988). The American Heart Association, International Life Sciences Institute, and National Institutes of Health have funded his research.

2010 - Dr. Amelia Mays Woods graduated from Winthrop College in 1983 in Physical Education teaching. Immediately after her graduation from Winthrop, she enrolled at the University of Tennessee. After completing her MS degree at UT, she began her teaching career in her hometown at Newberry High School in Newberry, SC. While at Newberry, she taught physical education and coached tennis, track, and cheerleading. She entered the PhD program at the University of South Carolina in Instruction and Curriculum in Physical Education in 1986. After completing her PhD in 1988, she taught at Columbia College from 1988 to 1992, moving on to Saint Olaf College in Northfield, MN with her husband Woody in 1992. In 1994, she began teaching at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, where she was promoted to full professor in 2002. In 2005, she moved to her current position at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In her spare time, Dr. Woods is the proud mother of Mary Elizabeth and Jack.

Dr. Woods has published over sixty articles in professional journals and made numerous presentations. She is an acknowledged scholar in the areas of motivating teacher change, mentoring, and teacher education. Her research has appeared in Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Journal of Human Movement Studies, Teaching Elementary Physical Education, The Physical Educator, and The Journal of Teaching in Physical Education to name just a few. She has co-authored a number of studies with such celebrated researchers as
Steven Silverman, Stephen Cone, Theresa Purcell, and Peter Werner. In addition, she has a book in progress on physical education for the classroom teacher.

She has been an invited presenter at the Share the Wealth Conference in Jekyll Island, GA, the Florida State University Sport Administration and Physical Education Conference, and the North Central Association Meeting. In addition to her presentations at state, district, and national AAHPERD conventions, Dr. Woods has presented at the American Educational Research Association, the Society of Utopian Studies, and the Association International des Ecoles Superieures d'Education Physique World Sport Science Congress. Indiana State acknowledged her contributions to teacher education by giving her the Howard Richardson Award for her research efforts.

Dr. Amelia May Woods is universally respected for her expertise in teacher education throughout the world. Her contributions to the research base in teacher education through her research, writing, and presentations make her one of the most productive scholars in the discipline. Her willingness to ask difficult questions and to investigate these questions through rigorous scientific inquiry has contributed to improved teacher education in physical education.

2011 - Kevin M. Guskiewicz,  Kevin Guskiewicz is the Kenan Distinguished Professor and Director of the Matthew Gfeller Sport-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Research Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also serves as the Chair of Exercise and Sport Science and holds joint appointments in the Department of Orthopaedics, UNC Injury Prevention Research Center, and Doctoral Program in Human Movement Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Over the past 17 years, Dr. Guskiewicz's clinical research program has focused on sport-related concussion. He has investigated the effect of sport-related concussion on balance and neuropsychological function in high school and collegiate athletes, the biomechanics of sport concussion, and the long-term neurological effects of concussion and sub-concussive impacts in retired professional football players. Dr. Guskiewicz has received 22 funded research grants, and published over 120 manuscripts (85 peer-reviewed journal publications; and 8 textbook chapters on sport concussion). Additionally, he has presented over 200 national and international lectures on the topic of sport-related concussion since 1996. In addition to his research and scholarship, Dr. Guskiewicz teaches courses in Sports Medicine, Human Anatomy, and Research Methods in Sports Medicine. He mentors approximately 7 graduate students or post-doctoral students annually at the Gfeller Center, and serves on the UNC Faculty Executive Committee and the Administrative Board of the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Guskiewicz has been awarded Fellowship in the American College of Sports Medicine in 2003, the American Academy of Kinesiology in 2006, and the National Athletic Trainers' Association in 2008. In 2010 he was named to NCAA's Concussion Committee, the NFLPA's Mackey-White Committee, and the NFL's Head, Neck, and Spine Committee. He is married to Amy Guskiewicz, and has four children: Jacob, Nathan, Adam, and Tessa.