Winthrop University Police Department

Fire Safety

Planning ahead can save your life

Here are some things that you should know about your apartment or residence hall:

  • The layout of your floor

  • Location of stair exits

  • Number of doors between your room and the exit stairs - you may need to find the stairs in the dark

  • Location of the pull stations on your floor

  • Location of fire extinguishers

Things To Do

  • Keep a flashlight ready and in a handy place.

  • Report fire hazards to your R.A.

  • Keep your hallway clean and free of trash, furniture, etc. and make sure these items are stored properly and collected regularly

  • Be careful not to overload electrical circuits and use approved electrical extension cords - short circuits are the cause of many fires.

  • Cook with care - double check the stove to make sure it is turned off before you leave the area

  • Do not leave food unattended while cooking

  • Never smoke in bed and make sure there are no smoldering butts when you empty ashtrays

  • Make sure you exit from your room during a fire drill to a designated area

If There Is A Fire

  • Stay Calm!  

  • Check your door (for warmth) before exiting your room

  • Activate the fire alarm or call the Police Department at ext. 3333

  • Alert others by knocking on doors

  • Exit by using the nearest stairwell to you

  • If your hall is filled with smoke, stay low while exiting

  • Do not use the elevator