Creative Writing Faculty

Dr. Dustin M. Hoffman
Associate Professor of English

Dustin M. Hoffman

Dustin M. Hoffman writes stories about working people. He’s the author of the story collection No Good for Digging and the fiction chapbook Secrets of the Wild (Word West Press). His first book One-Hundred-Knuckled Fist (University of Nebraska Press) won the 2015 Prairie Schooner Book Prize. He spent 10 years painting houses in Michigan before earning his M.F.A. and Ph.D. in creative writing. More than 90 of his stories have appeared in magazines, including Black Warrior Review, Saturday Evening Post, The Threepenny Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, and One Story. He has also published poetry, creative non-fiction, and screenplays.


Selected Publications

"A Tiger Someday" in The Southern Humanities Review
"Essentials" in SLICE Magazine
"A Sick Child" in Masters Review

Courses Dustin Teaches

WRIT307: Intro to Fiction Writing
WRIT311/FILM201: Screenwriting
WRIT351: Creative Non-Fiction Writing
WRIT503: Creative Writing Theory
 WRIT507: Advanced Fiction Writing
 ENGL317: The Short Story
 WRIT433: Internships in Creative Writing (event planning, editing, literary publicity)


Dr. Ephraim Scott Sommers
Associate Professor of English

Ephraim SommersEphraim Scott Sommers is a poet and singer-songwriter from Atascadero, California. Most recently, his first book of poems, The Night We Set the Dead Kid on Fire, was awarded the 2016 Patricia Bibby First Book Award and was published by Tebot Bach Press in February of 2017. He has been featured on NPR. Recent poems, stories, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Cream City Review, Minnesota Review, Prairie Schooner, TriQuarterly, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. Ephraim received his Ph.D. from Western Michigan University.


Selected Publications

"My Sister Sings Reba at Forty-Three" in Aquifer: Florida Review Online
"I Won't Be Able to Say This When He's Dead" in Painted Bride Quarterly
"Up Against It" in One Throne Magazine

 Courses Ephraim Teaches

WRIT307: Intro to Fiction Writing
WRIT316: Intro to Poetry Writing
WRIT351: Creative Non-Fiction Writing
WRIT510: Advanced Creative Non-Fiction Writing
WRIT516: Advanced Poetry Writing
ENGL200: Literature of Resistance and Rupture
ENGL200: Contemporary World Poetry  


Evelyne Weeks
Senior Instructor of English

Evelyne WeeksProfessor Weeks is a writer of both poetry and prose. Recently her work has been published in The Hollins Critic, Just Between Us: a Poetry and Prose Anthology, Appalachian Heritage, Mountain High: A Poetry and Prose Anthology, and Out of the Rough: Women's Poems of Survival and Celebration. She has been recognized as an outstanding faculty member four times, has been nominated for Excellence in Teaching by Phi Kappa Phi for five academic years, and has been presented three Presidential Citations for exceptional service.